Those Violent Obama Supporters


Police: Obama Supporter Attacks 75-Year-Old Man Campaignig For McCain

Friday, October 31, 2008 – updated: 6:00 pm EDT October 31, 2008

DeLand, Fla. -- A 75-year-old John McCain supporter who was holding a sign and supporting his candidate was allegedly attacked by a younger man who was campaigning for Barack Obama.

Police say the men were at a popular spot for campaigning at the intersection of New York Avenue and U.S. 17-92 in DeLand when emotions boiled over and fists flew.

“I was the most brutal attack I ever had on me,” said William Hunter.

Hunter said he feels like he was hit by a truck. He said one second he was holding a John McCain sign, the next second, he was on his back, on top of a fire hydrant.

"It looks like a 30-30 rifle shot me right in the hip," Hunter said.

Fifty-three-year-old Timothy Rundle was arrested in the attack. Hunter said Rundle stood in front of people, waving an Obama sticker, arguing, and actually shoved Hunter three times.

"I said, ‘Don't push me again,’” said Hunter. “And he grabbed my sign, and how he grabbed me I don't know because I'm not that fragile, believe me… My left rib cage hit the top. And my hip hit the plug."

No one was at Rundle’s home to comment. He posted a $2,500 bond and got out of jail Friday morning. He's facing a felony battery charge.

Police say they have a standard policy of placing extra patrols near the intersection during every election.

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Another liberal suffering from BDS & PDS.