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The most controversial speech in British political history was made on the 20th of April, 1968, in Birmingham (England) by a Conservative MP named Enoch Powell.

Powell's speech was a warning to his audience of what he believed would be the consequences of continued mass, coloured immigration from the Commonwealth to the UK..

Before entering politics in 1950, Enoch Powell was a classical scholar - (an accomplished expert in ancient Greek and Latin texts) - though he was never a serene, bookish intellectual. As a politician in the British Parliament, Enoch Powell was famous (and is still remembered) for his razor-sharp skills as an orator and his powerful, high-voltage rhetoric. He was also a maverick by nature who was never restrained by convention. In his political addresses, commentaries, debates, media interviews, etc; Powell would always "shoot from the hip." He was a Westminster "Gun Slinger" - a cerebral Jesse James.

The famous speech Enoch Powell gave in Birmingham in 1968 was basically an emphatic warning that if the current Labour Government did not stop the mass influx of coloured immigrants ( from foreign countries like: India;, East and West Pakistan; Ghana; Nigeria; the Carbibean and the like) into the the UK ( chiefly England), the streets would run with "Rivers of Blood." Just like in America, Powell added where there have been ongoing, violent riots been Blacks and Whites ever since the end of the Civil War in 1865. The most recent hum-dinger was the BLM rampage in 2020; I think 35 people were killed in that little "peaceful protest." Right?

Referring in his speech of April , 1968, in Birmingham, to the mass influx of coloured immigrants into Britain (chiefly England) from: India; East and West Pakistan; Bangladesh; Africa (Ghana, Nigeria); the West Indies and numerous other such Commonwealth countries, Powell said....

"Those whom the Gods wish to destroy, they first make mad. We must be literally mad as a nation to be permitting the annual inflow of some 50,000 dependents who are for the most part the material of the future growth of the migrant-descended population. It is like watching a nation busily engage in heaping up its own funeral pyre."...."As I look ahead, I am filled with foreboding. Like the Roman ( the poet, Virgil), I seem to see the Tiber river foaming with much blood." ( Powell, ever the Classical scholar was quoting Sybil's prophesy in Virgil's epic poem "Aeneid", 6, 86-87 of: "wars, terrible wars, and the Tiber flowing with blood.").

That last sentence above forever branded Powell's speech of 1968: "The Rivers of Blood Speech" (though he never used that phrase in any part of his address).

Powell was Shadow Transport Secretary in Ted Health's Conservative opposition on the Saturday that he delivered "The Rivers of Blood Speech" in April of 1968. On Sunday Ted Health sacked him from the Shadow Cabinet. Health told him the speech he had given was "racialist" (although Powell was never a racist). Which goes to show that racial hysteria and "Cancel Culture" were alive and well in British politics 56 years ago - decades before the American left cooked it up.


I think if Enoch Powell could return from the dead and address the American people in 2024, he would say, "I TRIED TO WARN YOU GUYS ABOUT THE DANGERS OF PERMITTING MASS, OPEN-SLATHER THIRD WORD IMMIGRATION INTO AN ADVANCED WESTERN NATION. NOW LOOK AT THE SHIT YOUR IN ! Here's how it happened"...


"Firstly, be fair, when Lyndon Johnson passed the disastrous "Immigration and Nationalisation Act" (1965) you were persistently lied to, both by Johnson and, in particular, by Teddy Kennedy and his socialist, Democrat cronies in Congress. Also, in 1965, America was 85% White (European). The US was still a great place to be in '65, and, by and large, life was pretty sweet. So you were "off-guard" and not expecting anything crazy. And sure enough, as he ratified the new immigration Act beneath the "Statue of Liberty," LBJ promised America that his legislation (aka the "Hart-Cellar Act") "... would not change everyday life in American society one single bit - not one iota. This NOT a revolutionary Bill, you have nothing to fear, said Johnson. Your lives will not change at all", and so on. But the "Naturalisation and Immigration Act," of 1965, was deeply flawed. The left still refer to the runaway explosion in non - White/non-Western that this immigration Act triggered and all of the negative ramifications it brought to bear over time as "unintended consequences". What that means in the real world, is that you are STILL paying for this hare-brained "socialist fail" BIG TIME, and not just in taxes to the Inland Revenue, but In myriad other ways.


"I cannot think of any country in the modern era - especially an advanced, Western nation like America - that has done anything so fucking, bat-shit crazy as to open up an expansive section of its national border and then INVITE: ILLEGAL, UN-VETTED, so-called ASYLUM-SEEKERS, from THIRD-WORLD nations all over the globe.

Included in the millions that have waltzed across the Southern Border are unknown numbers of: MURDERERS; RAPISTS (and other violent sex offenders) ROBBERS; ISLAMIC TERRORISTS; TENS OF THOUSANDS OF CHINESE COMMUNISTS ( many probably Chinese spies); DRUG TRAFFICKERS (who have killed 100s of thousands of young Americans with fentanyl, heroin and other deadly narcotics); CHILD TRAFFICKERS; THIEVES; PROSTITUTES; the INMATE S OF FOREIGN JAILS AND LUNATIC ASYLUMS - in short, every conceivable piece of human shit one could imagine.



It Began when Joe Biden was inaugurated as the 46th President of the United States., following an extremely dubious election win against Donald Trump. On the day he took office - 20 January, 2021, Biden was already mentally unfit to discharge the duties of POTUS. He was substantially, cognitively impaired by Vascular Dementia that was caused by a ruptured brain aneurysm he suffered in 1988. For anyone with a pair of functioning eyes and ears (and at least an average intelligence) this was painfully obvious during his 2020 election campaign.

Biden's role was to win the November election (which I personally believe was rigged) act as a Presidential "Trojan Horse." to smuggle in the most radical and revolutionary cohort of "cultural" /neo-Marxists/ Woke religionists;( so-called) "Progressives" and other extreme, leftist ideologues, who have ever had direct access to the levers of power in American political history. The individuals acted as a "Shadow Government, and probably included psychopathic ass-holes like: Barack Obama; Bernie Sanders; AOC and the other members of "The Squad"; Nancy Pelosi; Susan Rice; Avril Haines; William Burns and such like.

The persons were were /are insane , genuinely revolutionary leftist zealots. Their goal was to radically destabilise and damage the core institutions of the (Constitutional) American Republic, and immigration was one of the most potent weapons at their disposal. This is why from his first day in office Biden was directed by his shadow immigration policy-makers to begin signing Executive order to to dismantle Trump's border security policies.

My question is - and I'm sure Enoch Powell would also wonder -where, precisely, were all the normal, sane, decent Americans over the 3 1/2 years to date that this outrage was taking place. Where were the protests? Where were the demonstrations of dissent; where were Nixon's "Great Silent Majority" when this time they desperately needed NOT to be silent ? When this time they needed NOT to squeak like frightened mice, but to unify and roar out their anger like lions on Capitol Hill? Where were they? NOWHERE to be seen is where. They "dropped the ball"; and the damage that has been done will now take DECADES to repair. If, that is, it can EVER be repaired.


The American people have finally woken up to "Bidens" Open Border, political strategy and many of the other calamitous policy blunders his radical left overlords have used him to implement.

In fact, right now the Biden Junta is walking dead.. Trump has already won the the 5th Nov Presidential election. He will win it by a landslide, so you can forget about following the results of polls, you can turn off the political news as wellyou might want to watch the upcoming Presidential debate on Thursday for entertainment . I mean, Jacked-up Joe will be shouting and waving his arms about like a one-armed taxi driver with crabs, and he's bound to let rip some choice gaffes and clangers. But it's all irrelevant, because he's already lost the election. It's all over "Red Rover" for Brandon. He was the worst President in the entire history of the United States, and he is already "Dead Meat." You can bet the ranch on it folks.

Trump is a lock; and you should be damn grateful that he's pulled you suckers out of the shit !

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
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Funny, today in another forum I read an opinion piece that suggested the most dangerous inclination to a country is a tendency to tilt to the right.

Yeah, I tend to think that a political move to the right is much more dangerous to the health of a country than worries about the shade of skin color of its immigrants.

But don't get me wrong. For you poor, tortured racists, skin color of immigrants is a problem...and you have a right to spew your racism if you choose.

Thank you for sharing, Dach.

Funny, today in another forum I read an opinion piece that suggested the most dangerous inclination to a country is a tendency to tilt to the right.

Yeah, I tend to think that a political move to the right is much more dangerous to the health of a country than worries about the shade of skin color of its immigrants.

But don't get me wrong. For you poor, tortured racists, skin color of immigrants is a problem...and you have a right to spew your racism if you choose.

Thank you for sharing, Dach.
I do not believe that most people of the right are racists. I think that thought is totally off base. I believe that there are "some" racists on the left AND right,...most likely in equal numbers because PEOPLE ARE PEOPLE afterall. I do struggle to understand why so many on the left just cant seem to separate LEGAL immigration from ILLEGAL immigration. I do not believe that it is because of stupidity because again,....people are people. I do however believe it is because of dishonesty,...which in my view is WORSE than stupidity.
I do not believe that most people of the right are racists. I think that thought is totally off base. I believe that there are "some" racists on the left AND right,...most likely in equal numbers because PEOPLE ARE PEOPLE afterall.

Thank you for sharing what you believe, Stone. I have no idea if most people of the right are racists...but I am almost positive that MOST OF THE PEOPLE WHO ARE RACESTS...are proponents of the right.

I think your notion that racists as a group are drawn to the left and right in equal proportions is way off base.

I do struggle to understand why so many on the left just cant seem to separate LEGAL immigration from ILLEGAL immigration.

Don't struggle so hard, because most DO! I certainly do...and I am about as far left as it is possible to get. I would love to see illegal immigration stopped as much as possible, although I do understand why some people would want to seek sanctuary here in America. I also understand the limits of our legal immigration, so I at least try to give consideration to those poor unfortunates who are willing to risk death in order to get here. But, as I said, curtailing the illegal entry is very, very important...and I cannot help but wonder why Trump helped defeat a bill originally proposed by Republicans (and later by Democrats) that would have been a decent start to those efforts.

I do not believe that it is because of stupidity because again,....people are people. I do however believe it is because of dishonesty,...which in my view is WORSE than stupidity.
If you truly think dishonesty is even worse than stupidity, Stone, why on Earth are you supporting the election of Trump...when he combines dishonesty and stupidity in such massive ways?