Thou Shall Not v. Thou Shall


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Every religion codified the philosophy of ‘Thou Shall Not.’ Thou shall not kill, thou shall not steal, and so on were taught the governing commandments in Christianity’s catechism:



is the Democrat Party’s catechism:

catechism (noun)

1. A book giving a brief summary of the basic principles of Christianity in question-and-answer form.

2. A manual giving basic instruction in a subject, usually by rote or repetition.

3. A body of fundamental principles or beliefs, especially when accepted uncritically: “the core of the catechism of the antinuclear left, the notion that the threat to peace is technological, not political” (George F. Will).

4. A close questioning or examination, as of a political figure.

Founders of every long-lasting religion personified commandants for the faithful —— Jesus Christ, Mohammed, Siddhartha Gautama, Confucius. Wannabe spiritual leader Barack Obama codified the political philosophy of ‘Thou Shall.’ for his faithful. Legislating love was not getting the job done. After the lying sack of shit became president he created unconstitutional EOs and mandates to buttress collectivism’s wishy-washy legislation.

NOTE: Every sin in the Communist religion is a mortal sin. Jaywalking is a mortal sin to Communist purists.

All sin is an offense against God and a rejection of his perfect love and justice. Yet, Jesus makes a distinction between two types of sins. We call the most serious and grave sins, mortal sins. Mortal sins destroy the grace of God in the heart of the sinner. By their very grave nature, a mortal sin cuts our relationship off from God and turns man away from his creator. St. Paul’s letter to the Hebrews tell us that "if we sin willfully after having the knowledge of the truth, there is now left no sacrifice for sins" (Hebrews 10:26). The second type of sin, venial sin, that of less grave matter, does not cut us off from Christ. However, venial sin does weaken grace in the soul and damages our relationship with God. A person who frequently indulges in venial sin is very likely to collapse into mortal sin if they persist in their evil ways.

The Democrat Party’s priesthood must always preach every mortal sin to different groups of “True Believers.” In truth, Communist priests know very well that non-existent racism is the only mortal sin rank & files Communist believe.

Racism is an invented sin; a twentieth century crime invented by sharpshooters, race hustlers, do gooders and religious fanatics. Racism is an invented sin that became a crime. Hear me out on this before labeling me a racist.

There is no mention of racism in the text of any of the major religions, or laws, judicial systems, cultures, or anywhere else. Not one religious leader, philosopher, or political thinker ever heard about racism before the 20[SUP]th[/SUP] century for one very good reason. RACISM DID NOT EXIST until it appeared when it was invented by race hustlers and dirty little moralists decades after the American Civil War ended.

Parenthetically, fear of offending black race hustlers makes non-existent racism an impossible lie to combat. Telling the truth about race hustlers in plain English is the fastest way to get labeled RACIST.

I am hard put trying to find another commandment that every Democrat believes. In short: Not one rank & file Democrat buys the entire Socialist catechism. EXAMPLE: 80 percent or more AMERICAN Democrats DO NOT believe in open borders.

In order to shore up backsliders Democrat priests allowed to speak at Biden’s nominating convention were assigned the task of focusing on one or another mortal sin.

Every non-Democrat American who openly opposes one or more Socialist commandment must be driven out of society or killed —— whichever comes first.

Here is a partial list of the Democrat Party’s mortal sins in no order of importance to Democrats, but I will top the list with:

Reparations for descendants of slaves as well as for black immigrants that came to this country decades after the Civil War ended.

Our Democracy.

NOTE: Speaking ill of democracy generates as much fear as does offending black race hustlers.

Gun Controls.

Global warming.

Voting by mail.

Abolish the Electoral College.

Abortions on demand.

The education industry.

Public sector labor unions.

Citizenship for every illegal alien that gets in this country by hook or crook.

The New Colossus.

This plaque is bolted to the wall inside the Statue of Liberty’s pedestal:​
Emma Lazarus’ words do irreparable harm for all time. [Remove that stain, or remove the statue.]



Reverend Frederick D. Haynes

“I was a stranger. And you had the nerve to build a wall, while at the same time you have in the harbor there in New York, the Statue of Liberty saying, ‘Give me your tired, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,'” said Haynes, the pastor of the Friendship-West Baptist Church in Dallas.

Da Reverend should check his facts:

November 28, 2010
The Dangerous Mythology of Immigration
By Frank Burke


Vaccines (Forced universal vaccinations).

There are many more mortal sins. I want to move on to cover the way Senile Joe Biden tied every Democrat Party mortal sin together with compassion. Biden is not bright enough to talk about love of Americans, and for his love of country at the same time he betrays both to China. Media praise for Biden’s acceptance speech told me that parasite bureaucrats wrote brain dead’s speech so could avoid stumbling over his party’s policies.

Bottom line. A buckshot campaign is a blueprint for defeat. Every Republican running for election should home in one, and only one, “mortal sin” that his Democrat opponent must defend. Democrats sent out a boatload of speakers to make the campaign about “Hating Donald Trump.” Republicans can turn it around and demand that Democrat speakers defend just one policy. There is still time to find out which Socialist policy voters in every state and congressional district hate the most.

Finally, Republicans running for the House in 2018 did not hear me when I told them to run against Diarrhea Mouth Pelosi. Maybe Congressmen and Senators will take my advice this time instead of wasting time and resources defending Donald Trump who is heading towards a landslide victory anyway regardless of what television mouths say about media darlings Senile Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
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I see you added voting by mail as our newest sin.............:laugh:

I guess pope trump is a sinner then........

Looks like you left out a whole lotta love???

Jesus talks about two types of sin, & so you do you--------> our sin & your sin..

Difference?? We shall be condemned for our,s & you forgiven for yours.....icon_handjob.gif
Abraham. Father of Judaism, Christianity, Islam. Had slaves. Fucked his wife's slave. Is this an Endorsement of Slavery?
Gun Controls.
Global warming.
Voting by mail.
Abolish the Electoral College.
Abortions on demand.
The education industry.
Public sector labor unions.
Citizenship for every illegal alien that gets in this country by hook or crook.

You forgot the big one ... the crown jewel of Democrat compassion.

The obligation of all US citizens to pay for the healthcare of the rest of the planet.
