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Obama Pastors' Sermons
May Violate Tax Laws

On Christmas morning, Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr. compared presidential candidate Barack Obama's impoverished childhood to Jesus Christ's. "Barack knows what it means to be a black man living in a country and a culture that is controlled by rich white people," he then trumpeted. "Hillary [Clinton] can never know that."

Mr. Wright wasn't at a convention or a campaign stop. He was standing at the pulpit before the mostly African-American congregation of Chicago's Trinity United Church of Christ, where Sen. Obama has worshiped for more than 20 years.

Sen. Obama's campaign issued a statement saying that he has repeatedly stressed that personal attacks "have no place in this campaign or our politics, whether they're offered from a platform at a rally or the pulpit of a church." The statement also said he "does not think of the pastor of his church in political terms. Like a member of his family, there are things he says with which Senator Obama deeply disagrees.'' Mr. Wright declined to comment.

Trinity's national parent, the United Church of Christ, recently disclosed that it's being investigated by the Internal Revenue Service for a speech Sen. Obama gave to 10,000 people at a church conference in June in Hartford, Conn., in which he mentioned his candidacy and parts of his platform, namely health-care reform.

Scholars and attorneys say that a growing number of congregations are delving into issue advocacy and partisan politics, a trend dating back to the 1980s, when the religious right enlisted churches to fight abortion. An increasing number of complaints to the IRS over church politicking have triggered agency probes into both liberal and conservative religious groups. A Baptist church in California has acknowledged it's under IRS scrutiny after a watchdog group complained that the church backed Republican Mike Huckabee in his recently ended bid for the White House.

"There have never been more audits than in the last three or four years" involving churches, says Marcus Owens, an attorney who represents some congregations and is a former director of the IRS's exempt-organizations division. But while the agency has issued dozens of warning letters aimed at halting advocacy for political candidates, it has only twice revoked a church's tax-exempt status since the tax law was amended in 1954, a spokeswoman said.

Under the law that governs tax-exempt organizations, churches are allowed to support causes or ballot initiatives such as laws to ban same-sex marriage. They also can hold a candidates' night for all office-seekers in a race. But according to guidance provided on the IRS's Web site, churches are "absolutely prohibited from directly or indirectly participating in, or intervening in, any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for elective public office."

The prohibition is aimed at preventing government subsidies -- in the form of tax breaks -- from going to organizations that support political parties. Other types of nonprofits are permitted to engage in partisan political activity but have more limited tax protections. For instance, their financial supporters aren't allowed to claim tax deductions for their donations.

With 6,000 members, Trinity is the largest United Church of Christ congregation. The church is centered in a poor Chicago neighborhood, near public housing and down the road from Cut Rate Food & Liquors, which posts a sign reading "No drug dealing." A review by The Wall Street Journal of 13 sermons at Trinity seen live or through church-recorded DVDs since late December found nine instances of ministers at Trinity appearing to promote Sen. Obama's candidacy.

From the Pulpit

Some of the sermons mentioned Sen. Clinton or her husband in unflattering ways. During that Christmas morning sermon, Mr. Wright declared that Hillary Clinton "ain't had to work twice as hard just to get accepted by the rich white folk who run everything or to get a passing grade when you know you are smarter than that 'C' student sitting in the White House." On Jan. 13, Mr. Wright told the Trinity congregation that some people say, "'Hillary is married to Bill and Bill [has] been good to us.'" Mr. Wright continued, "No, he ain't!" Sen. Clinton's campaign didn't respond to requests for comment.

Ellen Aprill, an associate dean at Loyola Law School in Los Angeles and a former adviser to the Treasury Department on matters including nonprofit tax law, says she believes those sermons are "clearly a violation. They're naming names.''

Donald Tobin, an associate dean at Ohio State University law school, who formerly worked for the Justice Department on nonprofit tax matters, adds that nonprofits cannot make endorsements or engage in a "pattern and practice that is designed to support one candidate over another." After being read sections of the Trinity sermons by the Journal, he said, "There does seem to be a pattern of attempting to tip the scales in a way for Barack Obama. And churches shouldn't be doing that."

Allusions to Candidate

In some instances, the church's ministers alluded to Sen. Obama without naming him. During a Trinity sermon observed by a Journal reporter on March 2, the Rev. Otis Moss III, the pastor, preached, "There was a non-Babylonian, a young man who heard the word of God and said, 'I have the audacity to hope!' Now the whole nation says, 'Yes, we can! Yes, we can! Yes, we can!'"

"Because that phrase is so identified with Barack Obama and because he is a member of the congregation, it's possible that it could be interpreted as an implicit endorsement,'' Ms. Aprill says. Mr. Moss didn't return calls seeking comment.

Congregants are hearing more about politics during worship services than they did decades ago, scholars say. A 2006 poll of 3,000 churchgoers found that about a third of Roman Catholics and white evangelicals and 42% of black Protestants said politics and social issues had been discussed from the pulpit at least "once every month or two," according to David Campbell, a political science professor at the University of Notre Dame, who commissioned the survey for a book he is helping to write on churches' civic life.

Americans United for Separation of Church and State, a Washington, D.C., nonprofit, says it has filed 13 complaints with the IRS in the past year over alleged church politicking. They include allegations that churches made endorsements from the pulpit or on church stationery for Sen. Obama or Mr. Huckabee, says Rob Boston, a spokesman. One of those complaints involves First Southern Baptist Church in Buena Park, Calif., which has acknowledged that it's under federal investigation. The ministry endorsed Mr. Huckabee on its stationery and its Internet radio program, Americans United said.
The above article is from the Wall Street Journal. I guess Mr. Wright's chances of being investigated or pretty good, seeing as how he preaches how EVIL America is, how that we DESERVED 9-11, where 3,000 innocent children in daycare, women, and men in offices, the Twin Towers of the world Trade Center, were the victims of a Sneak Attack on Civilians with NO warning, when NO War was declared, when Islamic Terrorists crashed two Jumbo-Jets into Civilian Office Buildings, causing 3,000 innocent children in daycare, women, and men to BURN TO DEATH, except for the ones who couldn't TAKE THE PAIN OF BURNING, so they JUMPED from thousands of feet, where they SPLATTERED ON THE SIDEWALK. That's what barack Obama's Pastor, his freind and Co-Writer, his Spiritual Guru, says we DESERVED, we HAD COMING. Oh, and so does his wife, she thinks America sucks, too. She was ASHAMED of our country, until BARACK started getting some Primary votes. NOW, that he will SAVE us, with his SPEECHES about "Hope", and "Change", she's SURE that all of our Home Foreclosures will stop, the Islamic Terrorists will REVERSE their policy of "Death to America!" "Death to All Jews!" And the fact that many families with kids have a hard time buying bread and milk? Well, Barack will fix THAT easy! He will just RAISE THEIR TAXES! That will help them a LOT!
whats sad is that its hillarys camp that is feeding this info to the republicans in her thirst to seize power.
this is tiddly winks compared to what the republicans have for him.
Hillary needs to toughen him up before the Mcain low blows.
unless she somehow steels this election its already obamas. so all shes doing is weakening him for the general.
Oh, BTW, when asked, Barack thinks his Pastor and Guide is "not that controversial". It's "no big deal" to Barack, that Rev. Wright thinks we DESERVE 3,000 kids, moms and dads BURNING TO DEATH, and "no big deal" that his Guru thinks we, as a people, "feed DRUGS to Black People, then give them 3 strikes you're out" , thinks it's "no big deal" that his guru blames us for apartheid, even though we banned companies from So.Africa and fought it, "no big deal" that he says we treat Blacks "less than human", and the funnies, says Pres. Bill Clinton Screwed Blacks, just like he "DID" Monica. HA! Well, he may be a tax-law cheating, Anti-American, White-Hating Racist, but at LEAST he's got a sense of humor! He also says Hillary isn't worthy to be President until she is called "nigger", a word I despise, whether used by a White Redneck, or a Black Racist "Preacher".
Not surprisingly, Fox is really pushing the narrative on this guy. He has been featured prominently on their website for 2 straight days now...
alot more will come out negative on barrack, he reminds me of Nagin. One voice for one audience and then his fall off into the King immatitation for the other audience.
I'd be interested to hear what he was saying during his run up to the local elections he was in.
alot more will come out negative on barrack, he reminds me of Nagin. One voice for one audience and then his fall off into the King immatitation for the other audience.
I'd be interested to hear what he was saying during his run up to the local elections he was in.

Hey moron, have you seen anyone anywhere attack Obama for anything that Obama personally said or did?

Me neither.

Suddenly he's responsible for every word uttered by his pastor whether he agrees with it or not. It's horseshit.
hey dungshit, someone associating with David Duke would get a new ass torn for em by dems. Don't be such a simpleton
hey dungshit, someone associating with David Duke would get a new ass torn for em by dems. Don't be such a simpleton

Yeah, and someone associated himself with religious leaders that said American deserved 9/11 would also right? Except when that someone is named Bush and the religious leaders are named Robertson and Falwell? You ignorant fuck.
Obama took it on the chin for Farakhan in the days leading up to OH, for an endorsement that he never sought and that he both rejected and denounced.

McCain got a similar endorsement from a similar right-wing wacko, refused to denounce it, and you didn't hear a peep about it.

The calls of "double standard" in favor of the Dems are hollow.
Obama will take a lot more shit from Hillary and McCain it won't stick he is winning.
McCain will get some shit to, his wife's money put him in congress and He's acting like he's above the groveling .
Hey moron, have you seen anyone anywhere attack Obama for anything that Obama personally said or did?

Me neither.

Suddenly he's responsible for every word uttered by his pastor whether he agrees with it or not. It's horseshit.

Well let's just say that Obama made a good choice for church in Chicago politics, where he may have appeared 'too white' for constituency. That was a long time ago.

He's had his children baptized there and listening to this hate stuff week after week. He's close to the Reverend, it's not tangential. Would you expose your children to this type of thing? I know I wouldn't.

The argument that he 'shouldn't be responsible for what is said by pastor,' just doesn't wash with me. Too many know my take on Ron Paul, whether he surrounded himself or 'was surrounded' by hate mongers, didn't wash for me. I think the company one keeps speaks volumes.