Thoughts on Pro Football Hall of Fame


Former Vice President
For me there are two qualities of a HoF player.

1) When you talk about the history of the game, if you leave them out is something missing?
2) Did they dominate when they played regardless of how long they played?

Kenny Easley - No brainer. Should have been in sooner. Shows the bias toward offensive players and lack of longevity. Arguably one of the best Safeties ever to play the game. Bottom line is he dominated when he played

Jason Taylor - Great player, but I am not sure if he is really HoF caliber. I think he hits #2 but not #1 for me

Morten Andersen - No brainer

Terrell Davis - No brainer and should have happened sooner. He dominated the league when he played. What ifs are always hard and injuries are part of the game. But, he accomplished more in 7 years than many players accomplish in 10

Ladainian Tomlinson - No brainer

Jerry Jones - I hate the Cowboys, but this is a no brainer pick. He has done a tremendous amount for the league

Kurt Warner - I just don't see it. Yeah, he had a couple of good years, but the rest of his career was filled with mediocrity. He was a really good player, but in my view not HoF caliber. I think he was a sympathy pick due to his "story". He was 1-3 in Super Bowls.

Warner is

42nd in Passing Yards
Tied for 35th in TDs with Kerry Collins and Jay Cutler
37th in Passes Completed (John Kitna is better)
10th in Passer Rating
7th in Passing YPG
I despise the Cowboys, but I can't deny what Jones has accomplished. I am just being objective

I think Jerry did a lot for one franchise. Just like how the only baseball fans who could be found to support Bud Selig were Brewers fans, except, I'm not saying that Jerry has been a nuisance to the game of football - just that he's a successful owner, and nothing more.
Agreed. Jason was good, not great. Curt Warner more deserving than Kurt. But Kurt was a fan favorite and a nice guy. They could have done worse.
Agreed. Jason was good, not great. Curt Warner more deserving than Kurt. But Kurt was a fan favorite and a nice guy. They could have done worse.

I always think about Curt whenever Kurt's name comes up. If he could have stayed healthy, and lasted at least as long as 1983 draft classmate Dickerson, perhaps he would have found his way into the Hall...
I always think about Curt whenever Kurt's name comes up. If he could have stayed healthy, and lasted at least as long as 1983 draft classmate Dickerson, perhaps he would have found his way into the Hall...

He was a very good back. Maybe a Senior selection some day.
For me there are two qualities of a HoF player.

1) When you talk about the history of the game, if you leave them out is something missing?
2) Did they dominate when they played regardless of how long they played?

Kenny Easley - No brainer. Should have been in sooner. Shows the bias toward offensive players and lack of longevity. Arguably one of the best Safeties ever to play the game. Bottom line is he dominated when he played

Jason Taylor - Great player, but I am not sure if he is really HoF caliber. I think he hits #2 but not #1 for me

Morten Andersen - No brainer

Terrell Davis - No brainer and should have happened sooner. He dominated the league when he played. What ifs are always hard and injuries are part of the game. But, he accomplished more in 7 years than many players accomplish in 10

Ladainian Tomlinson - No brainer

Jerry Jones - I hate the Cowboys, but this is a no brainer pick. He has done a tremendous amount for the league

Kurt Warner - I just don't see it. Yeah, he had a couple of good years, but the rest of his career was filled with mediocrity. He was a really good player, but in my view not HoF caliber. I think he was a sympathy pick due to his "story". He was 1-3 in Super Bowls.

Warner is

42nd in Passing Yards
Tied for 35th in TDs with Kerry Collins and Jay Cutler
37th in Passes Completed (John Kitna is better)
10th in Passer Rating
7th in Passing YPG

No disagreement on the names you gave.

Is there a limit on how many per year they let in? If so I can understand why some take longer. While they may have dominated when they played, if someone else dominated when they played and did it for a significantly longer period of time, the nod would go to the latter.
For me there are two qualities of a HoF player.

1) When you talk about the history of the game, if you leave them out is something missing?
2) Did they dominate when they played regardless of how long they played?

Kenny Easley - No brainer. Should have been in sooner. Shows the bias toward offensive players and lack of longevity. Arguably one of the best Safeties ever to play the game. Bottom line is he dominated when he played

Jason Taylor - Great player, but I am not sure if he is really HoF caliber. I think he hits #2 but not #1 for me

Morten Andersen - No brainer

Terrell Davis - No brainer and should have happened sooner. He dominated the league when he played. What ifs are always hard and injuries are part of the game. But, he accomplished more in 7 years than many players accomplish in 10

Ladainian Tomlinson - No brainer

Jerry Jones - I hate the Cowboys, but this is a no brainer pick. He has done a tremendous amount for the league

Kurt Warner - I just don't see it. Yeah, he had a couple of good years, but the rest of his career was filled with mediocrity. He was a really good player, but in my view not HoF caliber. I think he was a sympathy pick due to his "story". He was 1-3 in Super Bowls.

Warner is

42nd in Passing Yards
Tied for 35th in TDs with Kerry Collins and Jay Cutler
37th in Passes Completed (John Kitna is better)
10th in Passer Rating
7th in Passing YPG

As a Bengals fan Ken Anderson is a no brainer. He’s the original “West Coast” QB. He’s also the most accurate passer I’ve ever seen. Anderson set the standard for passing efficiency and his stats in that category hold up to this day which is amazing considering he played most of his career in the NFL deadball era. There is no reasonable argument for Ken Anderson not being in the HoF as QB’s who were far inferior to him are in and every QB from his era who are even close to him statistically is in the HoF. There is no argument against his being in the HoF that holds water.

Then there is the case of Ken the Rattler Riley. Riley to this day is one of the top ten CBs in NFL history in interceptions and lord could he hit. If I was a coach and I had a choice between Ken Riley vs Deon Sanders you’d have to be an idiot of the highest order to choose Sanders. Not only was Riley as good at Sanders at coverage Riley was widely feared across the NFL for the ferocity of his tackling. He was famous for hammering receivers with a full head of steam just as the ball was arriving causing them to drop the ball. He was equally famous for taking their legs out from under them if the went up for the ball flipping them ass over elbow onto the turf and usually on their head not to mention he was fearless in charging the line of scrimmage in run support. Riley was so respected in his prime that opposing QB’s simply didn’t throw the ball in his direction. What was really appealing about Riley was he was no loud mouth show off like Deon Sanders. He was a humble yet consumate professional who let his play on the field do the talking.

Both of these former Bengals would have been in the HoF had they played for an east or west coast team but have been punished by ignorant sports writers who under rate anyone from fly over country and have thus punished. Riley and Anderson for their HoF careers simply cause they played for the Bengals.
Fuck Jerry Jones. I basically agree with everything else you wrote, even though I really like Kurt Warner as a person.

Easley absolutely should be in the HoF. QB were known to get death threats from their WR for throwing the ball over the middle. Easley was fearless and man could he unload a hit.

Warner will be in the HoF for the same reason as Joe Namath who also didn’t have the greatest stats. He was a media darling and he won a Super Bowl.
Fuck Jerry Jones. I basically agree with everything else you wrote, even though I really like Kurt Warner as a person.
I’m not fond Jones either but he did in the 90’s for the NFL what owners in the 60’s did at the dawn of the TV era that caused football to surpass baseball in popularity. He helped put Football in the stratosphere as the most valuable sports franchises in the world.
I’m not fond Jones either but he did in the 90’s for the NFL what owners in the 60’s did at the dawn of the TV era that caused football to surpass baseball in popularity. He helped put Football in the stratosphere as the most valuable sports franchises in the world.

Can't we just put the Vikings owner in the HOF if it's all about giving credit to the man responsible for the 90s Cowgirls?