Thoughts on the liberal hive mind

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Путин - м&#108

Collectivism isn't just a political way of life for leftists, it permeates every aspect of their beings.

Members aren't just expected to think the same things, they are supposed to be emotionally homogeneous as well.

It comes as a surprise to no one that the eternally aggrieved American left has been even more miserable since President Trump has been in office.

To say that they've been overreacting would be exploring new levels of understatement.

It's so overwrought that the likes of Rob Reiner are exhorting people to "take to the streets."

I'm not clear on what Reiner and his ilk are going to fight with if this does spill into the streets. Maybe they're bringing quivers of late-night talk show monologue barbs.

When you truly believe we are on the verge of violent insurrection, there isn't a lot of room for good moods.

Liberals also believe that believing or feeling differently than they do is just plain wrong.

If you are truly fighting for your life under President Trump I will have to assume it's because you've led a life riddled with unfortunate choices.

Never once did I feel that I might die because Barack Obama was president. Then again, I'm rational.

Liberals don't understand how someone could possibly feel differently than they do. That's largely because they surround themselves only with people who think, act, and feel alike. It's a safe bet that liberals haven't been within 500 yards of someone who doesn't agree with them in at least two years.