Ticker: Obama raises $3 million in 24 hours / Hillary loans herself $5


Abreast of the situations
Obama is going to be hard to beat in rest of feb primaries with all that loot. meanwhile Hillary has to use personal money to keep at it..

BTW what does "loan" mean

seems like a spin to make it look like shes committed to running on.. even tho she will get repaid.. and really its a sign that shes getting crushed on contributions.
Actually, Hillary loaned her campaign $5 million I believe before Super Tuesday. In response, Obama started a fundraising drive to match the $5 million loan. Last I heard he was up to over $5.8 million.

Meanwhile, Clinton has raised over $4 million over the past 36 hours or so. It may seem like she is getting "crushed" as far as contributions go, but she is actually breaking fundraising records. It's just that Obama is breaking them by more.

On the R side conversely you have a bunch of guys that haven't really raised all that much money loaning themselves lots and lots of cash in Romeny's case or lots of cash in McCain's case.
How do you stop a movement?

That's the question this election for Clinton comes down to.

How do you stop a movement?