Tim Russert's Double Standard


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Meet the Press

After repeatedly asking Obama about Farrakhan during debate, Russert ignored guest's reference to Hagee's endorsement of McCain on Meet the Press


Last week, Saint John McCain "was very honored" to accept the endorsement of Pastor John Hagge. Who is John Hagee? If you don't know, you need to. He is a leading figure on the far right fringe of the Christian theocratic movement, and a man whose endorsement carries such weight within the GOP that both Saint McCain and Governor Huckabee have been vying for his endorsement. He is, in fact, living embodiment of the wink and nod that the GOP gives to the rightwing theocrats in this country.

Briefly, John Hagee is a megachurch pastor from San Antonio who founded Chrisitans United for Israel (CUFI) in 2006. Posing as a "pro-Israel" non-profit group, who's real goal appears to be incite war in the middle east, the Armagedon, the "end days", after which Jesus will return to earth to set up his kingdom, and the non-believing Jews and Muslims will be exterminated.

John Hagee is also a noted anti-catholic bigot, who considers the Catholic church a "whore" religion, a "false cult system", an "apostate church", and decidedly "anti-Christ". The good Pastor has also written that the Nazi's literally were doing God's work, by doing the jews the favor of indirectly trying to drive them out of Europe and back to their ancestral lands in Israel. In "Jerusalem Countdown" Pastor Hagee writes: " No one could see the horror of the Holocaust coming, but the force and fear of Hitler's Nazis drive the Jewish people back to the only home God ever intended for the Jews to have-Israel.... I am stricken with awe and wonder at his boundless love for Israel and the Jewish people..."( "Jerusalem Countdown", paperback edition, pages 132 and 133).

Indeed. The Nazis were doing God's work and Pastro Hagee is stricken with awe at God's love for the wayward Israelites.

Isn't it interesting that Tim Russert and the armchair pundits of the mainstream media were all atwitter at the kind words, but yet non-endorsement from the reportedly anti-semitic Minister Farakhan for Barack Obama. An "endorsement" that Obama never sought, and rejected out of hand. The mainstream media saw fit to make Obama jump through hoops and run a guantlet of questions from the "very serious people" in the mainstream media to demonstrate that he had seven degrees of separation from Minister Farakhan. Quite a contrast to McCain and Huckabee who actively sought, and proudly accepted the endorsement of an apalling anti-catholic bigot and crazy end times war monger.

Why the double standard in the media? Are Farakhan's inflammatory statement orders of magnitude worse than the bigoted and crazy Pastor John?

Doubtful. There's a racial angle. It is quite evident to any thinking person. Farahkan is black, and Muslim. Two minority groups for which there is a certain level of fear and misinformation in America . They are interpreted as the "other" within mainstream american society. There's something vaguely alien and unamerican about the black Muslims. And the radical black Muslims? Forget about it. They are practically in league with al qaeda (sarcasm alert).

Pastor Hagee is white and Christian. WHITE and CHRISTIAN. Although his anti-catholic slurs and crazy end times war mongering are inflammatory at face value, the pastor has views that are validated and agreed with by millions of Americans. Yes.... perhaps, tens of millions of (white) Americans. Let's face it: radical black Muslim views aren't validated in America, the way far rightwing Christian rhetoric is. Radical, theocratic christianity may not be totally mainstream in America, but it holds a place at the table as a fairly broadly accepted narrative in American culture. Perhaps the mainstream media either doesn't hear, or simply accepts Pastor Hagee insanity, anti-catholic slander, and warmongering without question. Perhaps our esteemed Mr. Russert, should look into the background and statements of the good Pastor Hagee, and hold McCain to the same standard that he held Obama with regard to Minister Farakhan?

I won't hold my breath.
White people are afraid of "militants" if they're black militants, but they're never afraid of other white people, which is kind of funny because if you think back over every person who has ever screwed you, you might discover as I have, that they were all white.

Tim Russert is a big dick.
I don't think so uscitizen. I think Huckabee is too far right and would be a turn off for most folks. I will say that it would make me more energized about supporting McCain if he did but folks like me are not a significant enough voting block I don't think.
Russert was a buffoon in that debate, on both candidates. The "denounce"/"reject" parsing was the height of absurdity. I read afterwards that, for students of the language, "denounce" is actually much stronger in that circumstance. But you could tell by the wild look in Russert's eyes: this was the gotcha moment. He had Obama right where he wanted him: "But you refuse to REJECT his support?!!! Is that what you're saying?!!!"

The headline he wanted the next day was "Obama refuses to reject Farakhan support", and he actually got something close.
I don't think so uscitizen. I think Huckabee is too far right and would be a turn off for most folks. I will say that it would make me more energized about supporting McCain if he did but folks like me are not a significant enough voting block I don't think.

You are probably right leaning, but desperation might drive McCain or the machine backing him to do it.
I am not totally discounting the possibility at this point.
You are probably right leaning, but desperation might drive McCain or the machine backing him to do it.
I am not totally discounting the possibility at this point.

An interesting thing came out last night on Hannity and Colmes with the Frank Luntz panel of republican voters. When he asked them if they were voting for McCain because they wanted to vote for McCain only about 3 or 4 raised their hand. When he asked them if they were going to vote for McCain to vote against the democratic candidate (Whether Clinton or Obama) almost the whole room raised their hand. He pointed out that voting for someone just because you are voting against the other guy almost never wins. He is right. Barring a miracle of Clinton winning the democratic nod I think you'll be talking about president Obama this time next year.
An interesting thing came out last night on Hannity and Colmes with the Frank Luntz panel of republican voters. When he asked them if they were voting for McCain because they wanted to vote for McCain only about 3 or 4 raised their hand. When he asked them if they were going to vote for McCain to vote against the democratic candidate (Whether Clinton or Obama) almost the whole room raised their hand. He pointed out that voting for someone just because you are voting against the other guy almost never wins. He is right. Barring a miracle of Clinton winning the democratic nod I think you'll be talking about president Obama this time next year.

I think so too on Obama. And I am not convinced that is a bad thing in the long run .

I support none running, I just try and vote for the one that scares me the least.
If not for McCains war stance....
I think so too on Obama. And I am not convinced that is a bad thing in the long run .

I support none running, I just try and vote for the one that scares me the least.
If not for McCains war stance....

Quite true. Voting for McCain or Clinton to me seems like voting for the establishment...the status quo as far as our foreign relations go.
Russert was a buffoon in that debate, on both candidates. The "denounce"/"reject" parsing was the height of absurdity. I read afterwards that, for students of the language, "denounce" is actually much stronger in that circumstance. But you could tell by the wild look in Russert's eyes: this was the gotcha moment. He had Obama right where he wanted him: "But you refuse to REJECT his support?!!! Is that what you're saying?!!!"

The headline he wanted the next day was "Obama refuses to reject Farakhan support", and he actually got something close.


I consider the good paster more of a threat, and more inflammatory than Minister Farakhan to american values. Not that I am a fan of either of them. But, the crap that Farahkhan said, was what, 20 years ago? And his followers number in what, the hundreds?