Tim Wakefield


conservative democrat
Staff member
I saw where Tim Wakefield died. Wow. He was my age. I’ve seen several people die over the years who were my age so that’s not the thing. He was one of those pitches I rooted for even though he never played for one of “my” teams. I did root for the Red Sox once in the WS…though it certainly wasn’t the year of the beard (2013).

But I did root for Wakefield during his starts. He was a pitcher who made it by being a pitcher and not a hurler. I always like it when guys (and gals) overcome physical limitations and find success at elite levels.
I saw where Tim Wakefield died. Wow. He was my age. I’ve seen several people die over the years who were my age so that’s not the thing. He was one of those pitches I rooted for even though he never played for one of “my” teams. I did root for the Red Sox once in the WS…though it certainly wasn’t the year of the beard (2013).

But I did root for Wakefield during his starts. He was a pitcher who made it by being a pitcher and not a hurler. I always like it when guys (and gals) overcome physical limitations and find success at elite levels.

I can't go that far. I can respect the fact that the knucleball is difficult to throw but even so I never considered knuckleballers real pitchers. They're boring to watch. The best Red Sox pitcher I ever saw was Pedro Martinez. Wakefield was just boring. Sorry he died young but I'm not going to celebrate his pitchng in any way.