Time for a biometric national ID card (NYT)


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So imagine that you wanted to design an ID that would effectively control illegal hiring without stirring fears of Big Brother. It would be a single-purpose document, containing only the information that establishes you are eligible to work here. As passports are required for traveling abroad, as library cards are required for checking out books, the ID would be required for starting a job. I’d apply it to future hires only, to avoid forcing employers to be part of a national witch hunt.

You might start with the Social Security card. You would issue a plastic version, and in it you would embed a chip containing biometric information: a fingerprint, an eye scan or a digital photo. The employer would swipe the card and match it to the real you. Unlike your present Social Security card, the new version would be useless to a thief because it would contain your unique identifier. The information would not need to go into a database.

The Government Printing Office already embeds biometric information in passports — 75 million of them so far — and a slew of other documents, such as border-crossing smart cards for Americans who commute to Mexico or Canada, and security passes for the F.B.I. And one major employer is already rolling out a system of biometric IDs for all its millions of workers and contractors: the federal government. This is not exotic technology. I just stayed in a hotel in Barcelona that uses a fingerprint reader in place of a room key.

There would be a significant cost to set up and maintain the system, though it’s reasonable to assume that some of that money could be recouped through modest fees and fines on violators

Like just about everything else, immigration reform is stuck in the mangle of election-year partisanship. And if Congress ever does revert to the business of solving problems, there should be many parts to a humane, sensible immigration bill — including expanded legal immigration and a path to citizenship for many of those already here. But a fraud-proof, limited-use national identification card is an essential part of the package.

Then the Arizona police can go back to doing their real jobs
mandate it and assign a very heavy penalty/tax to those that don't comply.

I was trying to be serious, i'm not a big Fed'l gov't type, if i have any biases it's towards federalism ( co-sovereignity). But this is out of control.

While states are sovereign, so is the Fed -and the Fed'l gov't ' purview is immigration/citizenship/visas/etc/

All this would do is replace it all, not more zillion documents to "build an(fraudulent) ID", no more wothless E -Verify, no more profiling.

You get a biometric card issued from your state DMV, but the DMV has access to Fed'l databases ( or the other way around).

Voila' you don't have a national ID, you are an undocumented, ( it would also solve the prob of ppl over staying their visas)
and i'm being facetious, though I'm now intent on showing all the unintended consequences to the liberal and conservative agendas that they push through.
If you're just worried about employment, you don't have to frame in terms as controversial as a national ID card. You can check peoples status without an ID card.
The information would not need to go into a database.

how long would it be before counterfeiters were capable of creating cards in which they embedded a chip with the carriers fingerprint?.......of course you need a database, to identify counterfeits.....
how long would it be before counterfeiters were capable of creating cards in which they embedded a chip with the carriers fingerprint?.......of course you need a database, to identify counterfeits.....
good Q/ ANY document/card can be counterfeited, what stops 99.9% of it is multiple layers of security. not just fingerprints, also biometrics ( retina scan), and multiple "layers" of seals., imprints ( like in bills), watermarks, etc.

In other words, not just a chip, but sealed holograms,state seals etc.

The concept is to make it so difficult,and expensive, conterfeiting would be almost nil. It's already used - there is no reason not to use the same technology, and issues them like drivers liscenses.
Voila' you can even put imiration staus ( visa.green card) on there -solves all of our problems, at least for ID.