Time for a third party?

Where did you get the impression that I am "pissed"? The same place you got your grammatical skills?

It's not nice to make fun of older people. In fact, it's agist.

Do you revile this man because of his age?

"Donna Brazile has been the most divisive and destructive force in the Democratic Party this year. She engineered the Florida/Michigan fiasco, threatened to bolt the Party if the super delegates did not do her bidding and now has taken to publicly smearing the Clinton campaign:"

Go fuck yourself dixie.. you know dick about politics... what do your links have to do with a third party...
Where did I say Byrd was running for President? I wondered if you'd make agist remarks about Byrd.

Thanks for proving my point.

And "threatened to bolt the Party" might indicate that someone - Ms. Brazile, in this case - is considering forming a third party.

They don't want your embittered racist party-jumpers in the GOP, so a third party might be the only alternative.

They could call it the Dixiecrats!