Time for Americans to choose


New member
Good article on "Obama's dilemma" - trying to fight back to Hillary's negativity, while still maintaining his "new style" campaign:


I don't think Obama is going to go where many want him to go. I thought "monster" was pretty innocuous compared to some of what Hillary's campaign has put out there, but the staffer still lost her job because of it. When Obama doesn't go to Hillary's level, there will be a lot of pundit second-guessing about how "tough" he is for the job, and how he has to hit back & hit back hard.

I just don't think that's his style, and I also don't think that's a bad thing for us to look for in a leader. The old "fool me once, fool me twice" saying really applies to the kind of negative, partisan campaign we're used to rewarding, except that we've been fooled about 100 times.

Americans supposedly "don't like" negative, unfair campaigns, and want to hear issues more than attacks. Time to put up or shut up. There is a clear contrast in this campaign, between someone who is willing to say & do anything to win, and someone who wants to win, but just won't go "there".
The other day I talked positively about going negative. I, like most of you, want a clean campaign based on differences on the issues. I want there to be lots of positive debates etc. But I believe the article is right. I think we will hear over and over about Barack not fighting back and does he have the heart for a fight? I also think that the lowest common denominator of the american public will think he is weak and it will hurt him. He has got to find a balance between fighting back and staying on message.
Not to mention the vote fraud he will have to contend with.

The forces stealing our democracy can play as dirty as they like and shift votes.

It may be just enough to completetly kill our democracy.
Americans supposedly "don't like" negative, unfair campaigns, and want to hear issues more than attacks.

Who actually says when questioned. "Yes, I like negative campaigning." Probably few and far between.

The thing is though, it's worked, time and time again... so regardless of what people SAY, it's rather effective.
When you have a medias which refuses to parse the attacks and point out the lies attached to them they work real well.
Who actually says when questioned. "Yes, I like negative campaigning." Probably few and far between.

The thing is though, it's worked, time and time again... so regardless of what people SAY, it's rather effective.

No argument here. That's the point of the post. People complain about negative campaigns, and then they complain about partisan fighting in government, which is the natural result of "rewarding" negative campaigns with votes.

I don't know what kind of administration Obama will have, and I can't guarantee it won't be as partisan as everything we have seen over 2 decades, but I do know what kind of campaign he is running. People can see that & judge it for themselves; they can vote for it, or they can reward the same 'ol that we're seeing from Hillary.

If they do, they won't have any right to complain about what they're getting (though they will).
It's a lose lose situation!

I don't think anyone in their right mind would want to be president in 2009. After the mess that Bush & company have made, I doubt that anyone could clear it up in the next 4 years. The U.S. is on a downword spiral... just as I predicted would happen in years past on other political sites. Those of you who know me, know that I spoke of this many times.

A) Education gets worse every year.
B) Healthcare is in shambles.
C) Pollution and global warming are getting worse.
D) Prices of energy, gas, food and everything else are out of control.
E) Globalization, job outsourcing and so called free and fair trade are destroying our nation.
F) Corporate lobbyists, power and interests are destroying America.
G) The Stock Market is crashing.
H) The dollar is in freefall.
I) The so called war on terror is lost, a hopless cause and has created a huge deficit that might never be overcome.
J) Morals and values are at an all-time low.
K) The real estate market is in total chaos.
L) Wealth disperity worsens day by day.
M) The U.S. Democracy is a facade, when in actuallity it is a 2 Party Dictatorship.
N) The war on drugs has been lost. There really was never one to begin with!
O) Pornography and prostitution are rampant and out of control.
P) The FDA's approved perscription drugs are legal, yet killing thousands every year.
Q) More and more American businesses are being sold to International sources.
R) New diseases and more potent versions of viruses are increasing and are harder to cure.
S) More and more animal species are becoming extinct.
T) Unnecesary and bogus laws and taxes are created every year, to further oppress and control the masses.
U) Wages have decreassed and/or are stagnent, making people slaves to credit card companies, employers and even more so to government. SLAVERY is alive and well in AMERICA!
V) Unemployment will soon reach record highs.
W) We are not headed towards a RESESSION, we are headed towards a DEPRESSION. It will be worse than in 1929, making that one look like a Sunday day picnic.
X) Our national security deffense Dept. is asleep at the wheel.
Y) Poverty, slavery, racism and nepotism are all accepted with open arms in America, no matter what some will say or write.
Z) Corruption, greed, deceit, immorality and opression are a way of life in America, and are not only welcomed and embraced, but encouraged.

It seems I have run out of letters in the alphabet. Darn! I had so many more things to say. :)

In a nutshell: Things that were once considered illegal and ludicrous, are now legal and sensible. White is black, right is wrong, up is down and good is bad. WELCOME TO SODOM OF AMERICA! WELCOME TO THE UNITED STATES OF GOMORRAH!

So, who is going to be our next valiant and great president to get blamed for..... I mean, applauded and loved by us for solving all the problems that we are facing as a nation? Good luck!

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The other day I talked positively about going negative. I, like most of you, want a clean campaign based on differences on the issues. I want there to be lots of positive debates etc. But I believe the article is right. I think we will hear over and over about Barack not fighting back and does he have the heart for a fight? I also think that the lowest common denominator of the american public will think he is weak and it will hurt him. He has got to find a balance between fighting back and staying on message.

The challenge for Hillary is that on the issues she and Obama are not that far apart. Therefore she left to find anything else to attack.
I don't think anyone in their right mind would want to be president in 2009. After the mess that Bush & company have made, I doubt that anyone could clear it up in the next 4 years. The U.S. is on a downword spiral... just as I predicted would happen in years past on other political sites. Those of you who know me, know that I spoke of this many times.

A) Education gets worse every year.
B) Healthcare is in shambles.
C) Pollution and global warming are getting worse.
D) Prices of energy, gas, food and everything else are out of control.
E) Globalization, job outsourcing and so called free and fair trade are destroying our nation.
F) Corporate lobbyists, power and interests are destroying America.
G) The Stock Market is crashing.
H) The dollar is in freefall.
I) The so called war on terror is lost, a hopless cause and has created a huge deficit that might never be overcome.
J) Morals and values are at an all-time low.
K) The real estate market is in total chaos.
L) Wealth disperity worsens day by day.
M) The U.S. Democracy is a facade, when in actuallity it is a 2 Party Dictatorship.
N) The war on drugs has been lost. There really was never one to begin with!
O) Pornography and prostitution are rampant and out of control.
P) The FDA's approved perscription drugs are legal, yet killing thousands every year.
Q) More and more American businesses are being sold to International sources.
R) New diseases and more potent versions of viruses are increasing and are harder to cure.
S) More and more animal species are becoming extinct.
T) Unnecesary and bogus laws and taxes are created every year, to further oppress and control the masses.
U) Wages have decreassed and/or are stagnent, making people slaves to credit card companies, employers and even more so to government. SLAVERY is alive and well in AMERICA!
V) Unemployment will soon reach record highs.
W) We are not headed towards a RESESSION, we are headed towards a DEPRESSION. It will be worse than in 1929, making that one look like a Sunday day picnic.
X) Our national security deffense Dept. is asleep at the wheel.
Y) Poverty, slavery, racism and nepotism are all accepted with open arms in America, no matter what some will say or write.
Z) Corruption, greed, deceit, immorality and opression are a way of life in America, and are not only welcomed and embraced, but encouraged.

It seems I have run out of letters in the alphabet. Darn! I had so many more things to say. :)

In a nutshell: Things that were once considered illegal and ludicrous, are now legal and sensible. White is black, right is wrong, up is down and good is bad. WELCOME TO SODOM OF AMERICA! WELCOME TO THE UNITED STATES OF GOMORRAH!

So, who is going to be our next valiant and great president to get blamed for..... I mean, applauded and loved by us for solving all the problems that we are facing as a nation? Good luck!


Man, with that view of the world we might as well all go Jim Jones and end things today.
Most all of that is true.

I do have to disagree on item O = the numbers are actually down for porn.

Item V maybe not rising as the unemployment figure is not truely representative of our employment / job availability status anyway.
Most all of that is true.

I do have to disagree on item O = the numbers are actually down for porn.

Item V maybe not rising as the unemployment figure is not truely representative of our employment / job availability status anyway.

Sure it's easy to spin anything negative. If that's your overall mindset then I guess it is easy to agree with.