Time Magazine Grades The President


Barack Obama, President
Grade: A-:barf:

Instantly comfortable and highly skilled at the hardest job in the world — proving his supporters' contention that all the traits that made him a great candidate would serve him well in the White House: even temper, cool demeanor, boldness under pressure, shrewd facility for managing personnel, unfailing instincts about when to delegate and when to engage. A handful of public missteps (particularly on his international trips and on torture issues) and a failure to ameliorate the partisan divide are the only true blemishes so far. Has ably balanced the spectacle and the grindstone — allowing the public to feel an intimacy with his life and family, while retaining a formal distance as he handles business.

—By Mark Halperin



Could their be any more proof that the media is in love with Obama. I would hate see what the country would look like if they gave him a B.
I'm going to go out on a limb and guess the guys at time have degrees unlike you dropoutfoil.
I'm going to go out on a limb and guess the guys at time have degrees unlike you dropoutfoil.

Bill Gates
Michael Dell
Harry Truman
Abraham Lincoln
Peter Jennings
Charlton Heston
Thomas Edison
Walt Disney
Steve Jobs
Elvis Presley
John Rockefeller
the Wright Brothers
Steve Martin
Eddie Murphy
Paul Allen
Lance Armstrong
Chuck Yeager
Ernest Hemmingway
Frank Lloyd Wright
Larry Ellison
Ty Warner
Walter Cronkite

What do all the successful people above have in common toppy????

That's right toppy... none of them have/had degrees.


Take a look at all the crooks on Wall Street and in DC who put us in the economic mess we are in today and see how many of them are IVY league grads (many of whom have MBA's or Law Degrees).
FREAK you may not know
but all I try to point out in education rants is on average every degree level brings with it more pay and less effort.
Sure gates is not degree, non of these jerks are gates.
here the flow chart of income on average and median (for your I'm a tool chest)
FREAK you may not know
but all I try to point out in education rants is on average every degree level brings with it more pay and less effort.
Sure gates is not degree, non of these jerks are gates.
here the flow chart of income on average and median (for your I'm a tool chest)

No toppy, that is not all you try to point out. Yes, on average someone with a college degree will earn more. But you never stop there. You try to equate people on this board who do not have degrees with idiots. You do it consistently. You continue to pretend that it is the degree that makes you 'smarter'. It does not. Idiots can get degrees too... which was my point with all those IVY league morons who got us into the economic mess we are in. Likewise, people without degrees can be highly intelligent.

Look at the list I posted.

Ellison at Oracle
Dell at Dell
Gates and Allen at Microsoft

Right there those four had a large part in the tech revolution that benefited this country immensely.

Not to mention what those 'GED'ers' like Truman, Edison, Lincoln etc... did for this country.

A college degree can help you earn more money, but it doesn't make you more intelligent.
Mark Halperin, huh? In love with Obama? You must not be too familiar with his body of work. He's the asshat that said that John McCain forgetting how many houses he owned was "going to end up being one of the worst moments in the entire campaign for one of the candidates but it’s Barack Obama."

And this is the jackass that you think is in the tank for Obama? Get real, hombre.
FREAK you may not know
but all I try to point out in education rants is on average every degree level brings with it more pay and less effort.
Sure gates is not degree, non of these jerks are gates.
here the flow chart of income on average and median (for your I'm a tool chest)

Not necessarily more money. On the other hand, hasn't a thing to do with intelligence, indeed there is a strong argument to be made that many people without degrees are more intelligent than many a Phd.

While you are claiming to illustrate income via degrees, your real agenda is to put down GED's in particular, non-higher educated in general. You sir, appear to be a snob, which indicates your own insecurity.
No toppy, that is not all you try to point out. Yes, on average someone with a college degree will earn more. But you never stop there. You try to equate people on this board who do not have degrees with idiots. You do it consistently. You continue to pretend that it is the degree that makes you 'smarter'. It does not. Idiots can get degrees too... which was my point with all those IVY league morons who got us into the economic mess we are in. Likewise, people without degrees can be highly intelligent.

Look at the list I posted.

Ellison at Oracle
Dell at Dell
Gates and Allen at Microsoft

Right there those four had a large part in the tech revolution that benefited this country immensely.

Not to mention what those 'GED'ers' like Truman, Edison, Lincoln etc... did for this country.

A college degree can help you earn more money, but it doesn't make you more intelligent.
My friends from Canada had a fifth grade education and taught himself many skills. He was one of the most intelligent men that I have known.
My friends from Canada had a fifth grade education and taught himself many skills. He was one of the most intelligent men that I have known.

Another example of my point... the fact is that many of the highly intelligent individuals get bored with school. Typically because they know more than those teaching them (see... Gates, Dell, Allen etc...)

I would imagine your friend was in a similar position.
It's mostly conservative GED's that I slam, not sure if any liberals here are droupouts.


Don't hate the GED system, without it minorities would never graduate from school while in prison. Then they could not become productive citizens working in government jobs like the local DMV office.
so the one college educated preacher acts like he's 12, and 3D can't get laid so he puts hot pics in his sig.
so the one college educated preacher acts like he's 12, and 3D can't get laid so he puts hot pics in his sig.

seriously, TS.....your fixation with other poster's education demonstrates overwhelming evidence of an inferiority complex....you need to get over it....maybe taking a few classes on an audit basis at a local college will help you overcome your fear of academia......