Time to Stand Up and Crush Jew-hating islamists in Our Cities and Universities


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Where are the hate crime prosecutions ?

Shocking videos of Jew-hating Islamists in both LA and NYC:

We're prepared to stand up for what we believe in: Jewish UCLA student Eli Tsives

For over 2000 years we have been fighting the christer goy, from the crusades to inquisition to the Shoah now racial islam has taken the talking points of the goy concerning Jews , we are not fooled by the crocodile tears of the cross thumpers.

Philosemitism: A term referring to the exaggerated or grandiose “love” displayed by Christian conservatives toward Jews, which often involves the adoption of certain Jewish practices, Despite profuse statements of support for Jews and Israel, Christian Zionist philosemitism coexists with conspiratorial antisemitism and with a stated end-times goal to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem, after which Jews must convert to Christianity or be slaughtered.

How Christians Have Used Anti-Jewish and Anti-Muslim Rhetoric for Their Own Ends​

For over 2000 years we have been fighting the christer goy, from the crusades to inquisition to the Shoah now racial islam has taken the talking points of the goy concerning Jews , we are not fooled by the crocodile tears of the cross thumpers.

Philosemitism: A term referring to the exaggerated or grandiose “love” displayed by Christian conservatives toward Jews, which often involves the adoption of certain Jewish practices, Despite profuse statements of support for Jews and Israel, Christian Zionist philosemitism coexists with conspiratorial antisemitism and with a stated end-times goal to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem, after which Jews must convert to Christianity or be slaughtered.

How Christians Have Used Anti-Jewish and Anti-Muslim Rhetoric for Their Own Ends​

Anti-Judaism features prominently within the long history of Christian rhetoric because many Christians defined what it means to be a “good Christian” in opposition to purportedly Jewish beliefs and practices.

Today as well, some people use aggressively disparaging rhetoric about Jews in their efforts to motivate fellow Americans or Europeans to support specific candidates or policies: to do or think otherwise, these people imply darkly, would be Jewish. When white nationalists in Charlottesville chanted “Jews will not replace us,” for example, they railed against all who support increasing the size, prominence, and influence of non-white populations within the United States. More fundamentally, participants in the 2017 “Take Back the Right” rally urged fellow conservatives to resist these diversifying trends and, in doing so, to embrace a white nationalist vision of America.

Anti-Judaism, in short, is not really about Jews or even necessarily directed toward Jews, although anti-Jewish rhetoric easily leads to antisemitic acts. In these examples, anti-Judaism is about how to be a proper Christian or American. We need to understand that this rhetoric is about self-differentiation rather than discrimination in order to formulate an effective response: namely, to create an alternative, more compelling vision of what it means to be a good Christian
The overwhelming majority are in the US; them and black males, stupidfuck.
The overwhelming majority of "Jew haters" are Muslims? Funny, I didn't recognize any Muslim appearing marchers in that lily white torch carrying "Jews shall not replace us" parade at Charlottesville.
Over 38,000 killed to date . The resonance of Israel's degenerate Zionist atrocities will last for decades. They are the crimes by which all state depravities will be measured. Today, in the 21st century, the Zionists have burdened the world's Jews with a righteous antisemitism born of rage.