Timothy Geithner: New taxes may be needed


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:eek: say it ain't so..

By POLITICO STAFF * 8/2/09 10:19 AM EDT Text Size- + reset

'We're going to have to look at -- we're going to have to do what's necessary,' Timothy Geithner says.

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said in an interview aired Sunday that the administration will do "what's necessary" to revive the economy, and didn't rule out new taxes as a means to do so.

“We’re going to have to look at – we’re going to have to do what’s necessary,” Geithner told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, host of “This Week.”

“Remember the critical thing is people understand that when we have recovery established, led by the private sector, then we have to bring these deficits down very dramatically. We have to bring them down to a level where the amount we’re borrowing from the world is stable at a reasonable level. And that’s going to require some very hard choices. And we’re going to have to do that in a way that does not add unfairly to the burdens that the average American already faces.”

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0809/25698.html#ixzz0N2UG25sO
:eek: say it ain't so..

By POLITICO STAFF * 8/2/09 10:19 AM EDT Text Size- + reset

'We're going to have to look at -- we're going to have to do what's necessary,' Timothy Geithner says.

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said in an interview aired Sunday that the administration will do "what's necessary" to revive the economy, and didn't rule out new taxes as a means to do so.

“We’re going to have to look at – we’re going to have to do what’s necessary,” Geithner told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, host of “This Week.”

“Remember the critical thing is people understand that when we have recovery established, led by the private sector, then we have to bring these deficits down very dramatically. We have to bring them down to a level where the amount we’re borrowing from the world is stable at a reasonable level. And that’s going to require some very hard choices. And we’re going to have to do that in a way that does not add unfairly to the burdens that the average jkjkjkjkjkjkjkAmerican already faces.”

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0809/25698.html#ixzz0N2UG25sO

Of course. We knew this would happen if Obama got into the Whitehouse.

Oh, BTW, Geithner negotiated and was in charge of the TARP.
I got a better idea, why don't you lefties just volunteer to give your paychecks to the Hugo...then they won't have to raise taxes...:)
how much more do you think the American people are going to take of having their money stolen from them for all the Hugos grand ideas, before they REVOLT?

Are you speaking for the people again?

The GOP will have their chance. They might want to try coming up with some new ideas, and new faces for those ideas, if they actually want to win an election, though...
Are you speaking for the people again?

The GOP will have their chance. They might want to try coming up with some new ideas, and new faces for those ideas, if they actually want to win an election, though...

I was asking water a simple question...and you come up with all this crap..
the Republicans ideas are fine..it's you progressives ideas that the American people are after only seven months, starting to REJECT...must suck, huh:cof1:
how much more do you think the American people are going to take of having their money stolen from them for all the Hugos grand ideas, before they REVOLT?

Taxation is not stealing. Again, you guys are using anarchist arguments and making yourself look mentally unstable.

I assure you, people are not going to revolt because taxes were raised to cover the budget deficit.
Tax increases won't impact the middle class.

People earning more than $250,000 a year would pay more in taxes than they do now, while those earning less, the vast majority of American taxpayers, will receive tax reductions.

The top 10% of earners reaped the lion's share of the economic benefits under the Bush administration, so they should give back more to the country at a time when the middle-class is struggling. It is about fairness.

We have a moral and economic imperative to provide health care coverage to those who don't have insurance as well as options for those who do.
Tax increases won't impact the middle class.

People earning more than $250,000 a year would pay more in taxes than they do now, while those earning less, the vast majority of American taxpayers, will receive tax reductions.

The top 10% of earners reaped the lion's share of the economic benefits under the Bush administration, so they should give back more to the country at a time when the middle-class is struggling. It is about fairness.

We have a moral and economic imperative to provide health care coverage to those who don't have insurance as well as options for those who do.

good grief...so many words and so much CRAP:rolleyes:
I was asking water a simple question...and you come up with all this crap..
the Republicans ideas are fine..it's you progressives ideas that the American people are after only seven months, starting to REJECT...must suck, huh:cof1:

Not at all. First, the America public elected progressive ideas by a large majority in November, and gave the progressive agenda large majorities in both the House & Senate, as well as the White House. They rejected the failed conservative ideas of the Bush years, and many - even on the right - said the election marked the final death of the Reagan Revolution, which failed.

Second, history is on the side of progressive thought. Progressive ideas ALWAYS win in the end, without fail.
Not at all. First, the America public elected progressive ideas by a large majority in November, and gave the progressive agenda large majorities in both the House & Senate, as well as the White House. They rejected the failed conservative ideas of the Bush years, and many - even on the right - said the election marked the final death of the Reagan Revolution, which failed.

Second, history is on the side of progressive thought. Progressive ideas ALWAYS win in the end, without fail.

yeah, and a large MAJORITY of the voters now are feeling SUCKERED by all the lies and broken promises...
they are starting to see conservative ideas as being better, just look at the polls..but keep up what you all are doing, maybe once and for all you will kill off your failed ideology that has been tried around the world and FAILED.....couldn't happen fast enough to a more evil bunch.
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It's been estimated that around 40% of the $5.7-trillion increase in the fiscal debt incurred during George W. Bush's disastrous presidency is attributed to his tax cuts for the rich.

Are you a paid shill for the insurance lobby?

If not, why are you trying to stop poor children from getting health care?

It is they who deserve a break, not the wealthy. As far as I'm concerned, the rich can pay up and shut up concerning health care reform.
I think it's only fair that the folks who believed the pledge of no middle class taxes, pay the taxes of us who warned them it wasn't to be believed.....