Timothy Geitner on the hot seat...


Sexy Beast!
We will start out with this:


Watch the video of the interview with Rep Peter Difazio (D).

Basically, he is saying Geitner is not being honest about where TARP money is going and what it is going out for. In the end he says we may have to sacrifice two more jobs to get millions back for Americans (referring to Geitner and Summers).

So the question is, do we audit the Fed?

Republicans seem to think so, Liberal Democrats seem to think so, the House Financial Services Committee seems to think so, and Difazio (who is a conservative democrat) seems to think so. But there are still a lot of democrats not on board. Basically their argument is that an audit would bring politics into the monetary policy of this country. Well when the fed is in bed with Wall Street (which is why the liberal Dem's want the audit), and taxpayer money is unaccounted for (Republican and conservative democrat reasoning for audit), my oppinion is most certainly, yes! The Fed has been way too secretive.

Ron Paul's bill to audit the Fed has made it through committee. Now it's time to see if the full house and Senate will step up to the plate and do what is right for the American people.
We will start out with this:


Watch the video of the interview with Rep Peter Difazio (D).

Basically, he is saying Geitner is not being honest about where TARP money is going and what it is going out for. In the end he says we may have to sacrifice two more jobs to get millions back for Americans (referring to Geitner and Summers).

So the question is, do we audit the Fed?

Republicans seem to think so, Liberal Democrats seem to think so, the House Financial Services Committee seems to think so, and Difazio (who is a conservative democrat) seems to think so. But there are still a lot of democrats not on board. Basically their argument is that an audit would bring politics into the monetary policy of this country. Well when the fed is in bed with Wall Street (which is why the liberal Dem's want the audit), and taxpayer money is unaccounted for (Republican and conservative democrat reasoning for audit), my oppinion is most certainly, yes! The Fed has been way too secretive.

Ron Paul's bill to audit the Fed has made it through committee. Now it's time to see if the full house and Senate will step up to the plate and do what is right for the American people.
Asshat is gonna get wet when he reads this!!
Asshat is gonna get wet when he reads this!!

Don';t you want an audit of the fed? Do you really feel the fed should have carte blanche to print money for whatever purposes they see fit, with no oversight whatsoever?

Aren't you wet?

Or you just don't care?

Or you trust the federal reserve blindly, like a retard?
Look, before the Federal Reserve the value of a dollar from 1776 to 1912 had little to no change. It actually slightly increased over that span of 136 years around 11%. But from 1913 to 2009, the value of the dollar has decreased 95%. A dollar then is worth only a nickel now. The Federal Reserve is responsible for this decrease in value. How are people supposed to save for retirement when every dollar they save LOSES VALUE! What's great is in order to save for retirement, and not lose much value, we end up having to invest it which is great for Wall Street! A Savings account won't keep up with inflation...
That Republican dude who was asking him to step down was a nut yesterday; he was screaming that because of Geithner, millions of jobs have been lost.

I'm starting to think that conservatives aren't kidding when they say stuff like that...
I'll basically just quote the article I posted in the WaMu vs FDIC/JPM thread:

“Call your Congressman and ask them where the bailout money went. It isn’t being used to get credit flowing, that’s for sure.”

Problem is, your congressman won't have any answers, because the Fed and Treasury refuse to give anyone those answers. The Fed answers to no one at this point, there is NO oversight.
I'll basically just quote the article I posted in the WaMu vs FDIC/JPM thread:

“Call your Congressman and ask them where the bailout money went. It isn’t being used to get credit flowing, that’s for sure.”

Problem is, your congressman won't have any answers, because the Fed and Treasury refuse to give anyone those answers. The Fed answers to no one at this point, there is NO oversight.
Nothing underlines that the Congress isn't doing their job policing money policy like calling them up with questions that they should be able to, but cannot, answer.
anyone but me think the federal reserve was created to make sure the rich were the only ones to stay rich?

If you look at who was key at getting the Federal Reserve put in place, I have no doubt in my mind that it was intended for the rich. Not just the rich though, the FILTHY rich.
That Republican dude who was asking him to step down was a nut yesterday; he was screaming that because of Geithner, millions of jobs have been lost.

I'm starting to think that conservatives aren't kidding when they say stuff like that...

Republicans are not the only ones who are asking Geithner to step down. Some Dems are following the chorus also.