Tips to Stay Off Alcohol



Whether you are an alcoholic or just a heavy drinker, the time has come to stop drinking alcohol. It is a very big step to take and one that will change the rest of your life, but it is the right decision, so we are going to look at the best ways to keep on track and keep off the booze.

Money is often the cause of a drinking problem, which is just why alcoholism is on the rise at the moment so let's deal with the issue of money first. You may be used to a high standard of living and you may be faced with giving up something that you believe impossible to live without, and this is why you need reevaluate just what is important in life.

Family unity, human contact, your daily bread etc and everything that is around us, but we just can't see it past the bottle. Downsizing your lifestyle is where it will all begin, but with just a bit of patience and self determination, life will seem as though you have literally been reborn.

The first morning after having your last drink is the first step to deal with. Now you might feel as sick as a pig (excuse the expression), but that is quite a normal symptom so just stay in bed until you feel the need to get up and see the world through different eyes.

Once you have managed to do it once you will always want to be up and about, going for walks and generally feeling good about yourself. I would even go as far as recommending getting a dog, that provides extra responsibility and plenty of exercise, and you will meet a lot more people.

Am I beginning to make sense? This won't be a bed of roses, but every day will be a step closer towards an alcohol free life, old problems back in the past and a new healthy and better life ahead. Expect less from life and avoid falling into the high life trap that only leads back to alcohol and other addictions.

drug rehab
Whether you are an alcoholic or just a heavy drinker, the time has come to stop drinking alcohol. It is a very big step to take and one that will change the rest of your life, but it is the right decision, so we are going to look at the best ways to keep on track and keep off the booze.

Money is often the cause of a drinking problem, which is just why alcoholism is on the rise at the moment so let's deal with the issue of money first. You may be used to a high standard of living and you may be faced with giving up something that you believe impossible to live without, and this is why you need reevaluate just what is important in life.

Family unity, human contact, your daily bread etc and everything that is around us, but we just can't see it past the bottle. Downsizing your lifestyle is where it will all begin, but with just a bit of patience and self determination, life will seem as though you have literally been reborn.

The first morning after having your last drink is the first step to deal with. Now you might feel as sick as a pig (excuse the expression), but that is quite a normal symptom so just stay in bed until you feel the need to get up and see the world through different eyes.

Once you have managed to do it once you will always want to be up and about, going for walks and generally feeling good about yourself. I would even go as far as recommending getting a dog, that provides extra responsibility and plenty of exercise, and you will meet a lot more people.

Am I beginning to make sense? This won't be a bed of roses, but every day will be a step closer towards an alcohol free life, old problems back in the past and a new healthy and better life ahead. Expect less from life and avoid falling into the high life trap that only leads back to alcohol and other addictions.

drug rehab

That was so uplifting, that I think I'll have a drink to celebrate.

CHEERS :cof1:
I don't think many of us are heavy drinkers, and the ones that are, are college kids who won't take this advice.

Welcome to the board. Do you have any politics to discuss?
∂˚;454065 said:
i just drank a heineken to spite this thread

I got all my stuff done for Sunday so I am sitting down to a glass of Famous Grouse on the rocks.

My wife doesn't work on Fridays so it's the weekend!:clink:
Yeah, I guess I'll have to end his posting "spree" I mean we are just overwhelmed in anti-alcoholic threads.