Title 9 August 1st changes


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Title 9 August 1st changes

Beginning Aug. 1, men will have full access to women’s once sex-protected bathrooms, locker rooms and changing spaces as long as they declare they feel like a woman. The new policies could mandate boys be housed in women’s dormitories. A college-aged man having unrestricted access to women’s living quarters and intimate areas like locker rooms is like the fox guarding the hen-house.
Also scholarship stealing, compulsory pronoun use and streamline prosecution of offenders ... one administrator as judge, jury and executioner.

26 States have filed suit in Federal Court.

5 minute Riley Gains video at link:

Not to mention women and girls being secretly filmed or photographed by men in their private spaces.
Charlie Kirk and Megyn Kelly discuss the issue and how the Republicans should pursue it. The only reason this issue is not higher up on the voters list is the MSM largely ignores it.
