To ALL Liberals, Obama Supporters.


New member
"Yawn, wake me when Obama chooses this guy as VP.

To ALL Bush-Haters, Liberals, and Obama Supporters:
I copied the first sentence, above, from Jarod's "answer" to the Great Resume post, about the NUMEROUS BOMBS planted by Obama's freinds, William Ayers, and his "moll", Bernie Dohrn. Jarod's a Mental Midget who answers "DUH! Yawn-Duh!" to evry post- someone could put up "Obama just caught by Police, with Bloddy Hands and knife, stabbing his WIFE AND MOTHER TO DEATH, and this idiot would say "Duh! Yawn- Duh!"

I asked him, TELL ME, exactly WHY is Obama the Best Candidate? What has he DONE, in his life? What CHARACHTER TRAITS has he shown? What GOOD JUDGEMENT has he shown? Because I can tell you the BAD THINGS he has done, in ALL THESE CATEGORIES, even FORGETTING the fact he is a BEGINNER, and does NOT HAVE THE WISDOM to be President. Forgetting, even, that he is a MARXIST, which is the MAIN reason he MUST be defeated.

But I am WILLING to be convinced! Someone, a Liberal, an Obama supporter, PLEASE! PLEASE TELL ME, tell me the REASONS he will make a Good President? Maybe there are some things about him I am not SEEING. TELL me!

Cant DO it, can ya? THAT'S why he's TOAST.

He's not toast, you maniac. He's had the worst month of any politician in recent memory, while McCain has had a free ride, and he's still up on McCain in the polls.

Tough, tough situation there. McCain is going to get shredded.

Obama has already shown himself to be infinitely better than Bush, Hillary or any candidate in recent memory, simply with the kind of campaign he has chosen to run. No one gives a shit about Ayers; he's not running.