To all Vets.


Verified User
I know that several of us on here are veterans. Some of us are war veterans and some of us are peacetime vets. None of that matters. What matters is that you chose to serve. For those of you that made that choice, and as one of you, I thank you for your service. Thank you for standing up for the security of our Country. Thank you for putting your life on the line for us. Thank you for going to Korea, and Vietnam and Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. Thank you for going to Iraq and Afghanistan and doing your duty with only a little bit of complaint. Thank your families for loving you and supporting you. Thanks to those that are not here to read my words because they gave their very last for their families, their country and for the buddy to the left and to the right of them. Thanks to the families that have lost their sons and daughters their husbands and wives, their fathers and mothers. You have also made the ultimate sacrifice. And know this, regardless of the conflict, regardless of the politics, you have never, in 232 years ever died in vain.

I don't think happy veterans day is appropriate, so I hope you all have a reflective Veterans Day, and if you get a chance, tell a vet thank you. Two months ago I saw a man wearing a hat with a Combat Infantry Badge and World War II on it. I walked up to him and asked him what theater he had served in. He told me he served in the Asian Theater. I shook his hand, told him it was an honor to do so, and thanked him for his service. My girlfriend who was behind me said that he and he wife had huge smiles on their face. It took no time at all to do and it made him know that people still care about what they did for us half a century ago.
Thank you to the Veterans

On Veterans Day I try to thank as many vets as I can.

To all who served, my deepest thanks for your sacrifice and service.
I didn't see this thread when I posted mine. Hopefullt Damo will remedy it.

Thanks Soc. I agree with what you said. I encourage everyone here to personally thank a veteran today.

My father-in-law was wearing his Vietnam Veteran hate in the grocery store about a year ago. A young woman walked up and thanked him for his service. That grouchy old man was almost in tears. He said it was the first time he had received a thank you from someone who hadn't served and wasn't family.

Thank you to all veterans among our little family here.
I didn't see this thread when I posted mine. Hopefullt Damo will remedy it.

Thanks Soc. I agree with what you said. I encourage everyone here to personally thank a veteran today.

My father-in-law was wearing his Vietnam Veteran hate in the grocery store about a year ago. A young woman walked up and thanked him for his service. That grouchy old man was almost in tears. He said it was the first time he had received a thank you from someone who hadn't served and wasn't family.

Thank you to all veterans among our little family here.
I merged the threads.