To Hear What Is Said.


Shaken, not stirred!
The noise of rain is so quieting.

The sound of snowfall soothes with its deafening whisper.

The wind's only true voice is in the plants and trees that bend to its call.

All are word of God that render human speech a mere cacophony, but gives endless lessons to the attentive ... and elicits songs from the wise and the soulful.
The noise of rain is so quieting.

The sound of snowfall soothes with its deafening whisper.

The wind's only true voice is in the plants and trees that bend to its call.

All are word of God that render human speech a mere cacophony, but gives endless lessons to the attentive ... and elicits songs from the wise and the soulful.

Spoken like a man who doesn't have a sump pump and regular power outages.
The noise of rain is so quieting.

The sound of snowfall soothes with its deafening whisper.

The wind's only true voice is in the plants and trees that bend to its call.

All are word of God that render human speech a mere cacophony, but gives endless lessons to the attentive ... and elicits songs from the wise and the soulful.

Actually this one is really beautiful.

Great little poem.

Makes you think.
The noise of rain is so quieting.

The sound of snowfall soothes with its deafening whisper.

The wind's only true voice is in the plants and trees that bend to its call.

All are word of God that render human speech a mere cacophony, but gives endless lessons to the attentive ... and elicits songs from the wise and the soulful.

Poetry and prose was always the great teacher.

As a general rule of thumb, Shakespeare, Lao Tzu, the apostle Luke, et al. are more of a touchstone than German philosophy professors and English physicists ever will be.

I learned as much from the Daodejing, Dostoyevsky, and the Dhammapada as I did from college physics and chemistry textbooks. I believe poetry, mythology, prose are going to be teachers just as much as the standard model of particle physics, and I don't think that will ever change.
The noise of rain is so quieting.

The sound of snowfall soothes with its deafening whisper.

The wind's only true voice is in the plants and trees that bend to its call.

All are word of God that render human speech a mere cacophony, but gives endless lessons to the attentive ... and elicits songs from the wise and the soulful.

Isnt this a rehash of a thread we've seen before? Or am I just having deja vu again?
Isnt this a rehash of a thread we've seen before? Or am I just having deja vu again?

I think after the database had to be reconstructed it wiped out a bunch of more recent threads popping ancient old dead threads to the surface like a necromancy party. (Just my hypothesis)
I think after the database had to be reconstructed it wiped out a bunch of more recent threads popping ancient old dead threads to the surface like a necromancy party. (Just my hypothesis)

Probably more like than deja vu