To poor People


Junior Member
Hi, my name is Ryan, I am a republican, and having said that, a logical deduction would be that I am rich, and yeah i am rich. I get so mad at people wanting to tax me more to try to feed people. Listen I work for my money, these people on welfare dont. I need to get a mercedez and my 5th wife a new ring. I support the war, but I have to work so i cant fight in it plus it would take time away from vacationing in Puerto Rico and time away from my yacht. Im very active in the christian community and i like to have lunch w/ Pat Buchanon and was a guest on the 700 club.
Hey did I tell you I did habitat for humanity this weekend? It got pretty hot, but otherwise, it seemed cool. I'm going to try to do it some more this summer.
Jarod said:
Ohh no, Is Ryan a Republican name?
Very Republican. In fact, naming a kid Ryan has been shown to increase his (or her) chances of turning Republican by college age by around 32%.

And let's not even mention what happens when it's the family name . . . .