To Represent, Or Not To Represent


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Stretch it a bit and the Dane could have been talking about representation:

HAMLET: To be, or not to be--that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
And by opposing end them.

A few years ago on another message board a police office responded to one of my threads. I can only paraphrase the brief exchange:

“Why don’t you run for office if you have so many complaints?”

I replied: “Parasites truly believe that it is an honor to represent them. In short: I would not represent parasites if they crowned me king.”

Wherever my police office is today makes me wonder if he decided he will not ‘REPRESENT’ parasites:

"Due to your support of Black Lives Matter and the obvious lack of support or trust with the Douglas County Sheriff's Office, please do not feel the need to call 911 for help. I wish you good luck with disturbances and lewd behavior, since those are just some of the recent calls my office has assisted you with in the past," he concluded.

Uh Oh: Sheriff Refuses to Respond to Library's 911 Calls
Beth Baumann
Posted: Jul 29, 2020 7:20 PM

Finally, infants are the most under represented human beings in the world. It is going to get a lot worse for black and brown infants in the womb if this Democrat gets her way:

Illinois Democratic Rep. Jan Schakowsky is leading a House effort to eliminate the Helms Amendment, which prohibits U.S. foreign assistance funding from paying for abortion services.

The Health Care Everywhere Act of 2020 would repeal the amendment and “expand abortion access globally,” according to Schakowsky’s office. The amendment has been incorporated into the appropriations bills that Congress passes since its original adoption in 1973.

Schakowsky said that “abortion is health care” in the United States and the Helms amendment, named after former North Carolina Republican Sen. Jesse Helms, is “deeply rooted in racism.”

The knowledge it takes to govern a free people is the only thing that matters.


Every decent man running against a woman for a seat in Congress should base his campaign on ‘Men Versus Women’. Men have a surefire winner among women and men voters after they take a good look at the kind of brutal female baby-butchers already in Congress.

“It imposes our arbitrary and medically unnecessary abortion restrictions on international communities, allowing the United States to control the health care and bodily autonomy of billions Black and brown people around the world,” she said Wednesday. “Just like the Hyde Amendment, the Helms Amendment puts reproductive and economic freedom out of reach for women of color.”

Democratic Reps. Ayanna Pressley, of Massachusetts, Nita Lowey, of New York, Barbara Lee, of California, and Jackie Speier, of California, are among the co-sponsors of the bill.

Lowey, House Appropriations Committee chairwoman, called the Helms Amendment “a shameful policy” that should be repealed.

If it passes out of the Democratic-led House, the bill faces an uphill climb in the GOP-led Senate, given that most Republicans oppose the use of taxpayer dollars to fund abortion services.

Activists groups such as Planned Parenthood and the American Civil Liberties Union are supporting the Health Care Everywhere Act of 2020 to repeal the Helms Amendment.

Congresswoman proposes bill to ‘expand abortion access globally’ by repealing Helms amendment
By Nicholas Ballasy
Updated: July 29, 2020 - 10:33pm

If I was a black or brown American I would start trembling in fear whenever I see female baby-butchers in Congress hellbent on increasing infanticide worldwide with American income tax dollars.