To the MODs


Can you please find a way to get Desh to stop crap flooding threads and her constant desire to derail a thread, to where she wants it to go?

Most recent example is:
anti trump protesters use pepper spray and stun guns

As you can see by the title, the thread was about the actions of anti-Trump protestors, at a pro-Trump rally; but Desh decided that what she wanted to talk about was more important.
For example:

Yesterday, 07:51 AM
KKK Rally In Anaheim Leaves 3 Stabbed, 13 Arrested (Yes, In 2016)
Iyana Robertson @sincerely_iyana | February 28, 2016 - 11:29 am

Yesterday, 08:03 AM
how does three people getting stabbed at a KKK rally barely make the news yet this is a national topic?

Today, 06:20 AM
why the two sides might fear each other.
You see the KKK kills them when they protest them

Today, 06:24 AM
two month ago these trump suporters were stabbing them
they know they have to fear trump suporters

Today, 06:58 AM
they were fucking stabbed
why was that not news?

Today, 07:03 AM
why did you use to agree with the stabbers legion

It's obvious that most threads denigrate into other topics; but most the time Desh is just responding to herself and being repetitive.