To those who trash Obama and McCain with BS spin


I dare you to stop us GL
Fuck all of you. Obama and McCain are great Americans who put the intrests of this country first. How dare you call them elite terrorist lap dogs and old McBush clone facists that secretly want terrorists to strike so they can play off their strengths. How dare you! I see all of these idiots on here giving super far left and super far right links to prove how Obama and McCain are bad for America. Then I watch the news and see jackasses like Hannity and Glenn Beck doing the same thing. Then I change it to Cuntdown with Keith Olbermann and see him cheapshotting McCain. I'm sick of partisan weasles like Brad Blakeman and Rachel Maddow telling me how bad the two candidates are. FUUUUUUCK YOU!

And I still haven't bought a laptop computer yet. Enjoy the time you have because I'm gonna yell at the Olbermann's and the O'Reilly's that hang out here. I will continue to taunt Good Luck until he actually does something to stop us pro-choicers that are worse than Hitler and the KKK. His words, not mine!
All from Good Luck

"Yes, it is still legal. And you people should be proud of yourselves. Your death toll beats Hitler, Stalin, PolPot, and a whole lot of others combined. Congratulations."

"Your entire diatribe simply proves what a braindead useless lump of putrid shit you are. You are completely ignorant of medicine, completely ignorant of the basics of biology, and are claiming to be literally proud of the ability to kill innocent children. And then you wonder why you are lumped in with Hitler and PolPot."

"And damned right I compare pro-abortion to pro-slavery."

Here's what he said after I made a big deal about it to everyone.

"In the first place, as I have carefully explained, I did NOT compare abortion to the holocaust or slavery."

I'll compare Abortion to the Holocaust and Slavery combined. There have been over 40 million people killed by abortionists in the US alone, far exceeding deaths to slaves and holocaust victims. Not only are there more deaths due to abortion, but it is death without any sort of 'moral' justification, of the most innocent and sin-free lives of all. At least with Slavery and the Holocaust, you can blame the evil doings on ignorance and racist bigotry, with abortion, it is evil for the sake of vanity and convenience.
I'll compare Abortion to the Holocaust and Slavery combined. There have been over 40 million people killed by abortionists in the US alone, far exceeding deaths to slaves and holocaust victims. Not only are there more deaths due to abortion, but it is death without any sort of 'moral' justification, of the most innocent and sin-free lives of all. At least with Slavery and the Holocaust, you can blame the evil doings on ignorance and racist bigotry, with abortion, it is evil for the sake of vanity and convenience.

I agree. Abortion is nothing less than present day Molech-worship.
All from Good Luck

"Yes, it is still legal. And you people should be proud of yourselves. Your death toll beats Hitler, Stalin, PolPot, and a whole lot of others combined. Congratulations."

"Your entire diatribe simply proves what a braindead useless lump of putrid shit you are. You are completely ignorant of medicine, completely ignorant of the basics of biology, and are claiming to be literally proud of the ability to kill innocent children. And then you wonder why you are lumped in with Hitler and PolPot."

"And damned right I compare pro-abortion to pro-slavery."

Here's what he said after I made a big deal about it to everyone.

"In the first place, as I have carefully explained, I did NOT compare abortion to the holocaust or slavery."

Keep yappin' little poodle. You continual diatribes simply prove what a mindless twit you truly are.

Go ahead and prove it to the whole world. Why stop at FaceBook? Make an article in Wikipedia about the evil one who dares point out the results from the process of dehumanization of a target group. Shout it to the world. Go buy a wooden box to stand on and a bullhorn - shout it from the street corners.

Go find your first grade teacher and cry on her shoulder "Ohhh, teacher teacher! The bad man on the internet says I am as bad as Hitler! Can you please go make him stand in the corner?"

If your obsession were not so utterly pathetic, it would almost be amusing. But truly, you DO need to do something about your anger issues. It would be a shame if you popped a cranial blood vessel and ended up a drooling idiot.

No, wait, it's already too late.
Our death toll does not beat cancer. Rather unfortunate fact.
True, but then cancer is not the result of a deliberate and intentional act to deprive a human of their life. Death will always find us, eventually. But death from the unjustified actions of another human are ones which society has an obligation to prevent as much as is reasonably possible.
True, but then cancer is not the result of a deliberate and intentional act to deprive a human of their life. Death will always find us, eventually. But death from the unjustified actions of another human are ones which society has an obligation to prevent as much as is reasonably possible.

Why are deaths from other sources any less important?
Why are deaths from other sources any less important?

You're deliberately missing his point kid.

He's saying that unnecessary death can be prevented, thus is notable as such. It is strange from a guy who really like wars and imperial murder, but I believe that's his point.
You're deliberately missing his point kid.

He's saying that unnecessary death can be prevented, thus is notable as such. It is strange from a guy who really like wars and imperial murder, but I believe that's his point.

Good point.

War is justifiable for two reasons:

1. Defense

2. If killing is going on, and accidental deaths from the invasion won't exceed the killing, and the money that would be used for the invasion couldn't have saved more lives if used to fund non-violent lifesaving programs instead.

Very few wars meet the criterion. Iraq certainly did not.
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Why are deaths from other sources any less important?
They are not less important - but the means to control them is derived through entirely different methods. Deaths from cancer cannot be made illegal, as there is no one society can prosecute and subsequently separate from society if the law is broken.

Various types of unjustified homicide CAN be made illegal, and most ARE illegal. While the laws in and of themselves do not prevent unjustified homicides, they DO allow society the purview to arrest, prosecute, and otherwise separate those who break homicide laws from society, thus, at least, protecting society from that particular person's willingness to commit any additional homicides.

And there is the additional factor that such laws provide a deterrent to some who are tempted to commit homicide. Try to imagine what the homicide rate would look like if ALL homicide were legalized. Most of congress would only last as long as they could hide. And Bush never would have made his 1st inaugural address, let alone a second one. Then there are disliked bosses, disliked co-workers, etc. etc. etc.