Today;s sign the end is near!!!


Today's sign the end is near!!!

Can't add troops to Guam 'cause it might capsize!...unfucking believable!

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Must be the cocaine.

During a House Armed Services Committee hearing in March 2010, Johnson asked several questions of Admiral Robert F. Willard of the [ame=""]United States Pacific Command[/ame] concerning the U.S. military installation on the island of [ame=""]Guam[/ame]. The questions eventually led to Johnson telling Admiral Willard "My fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize."[20][21] This line of questioning prompted Atlanta political pundit, Jim Galloway, to say, "Unfortunately, we can’t say [this] is an April Fool’s Day prank."
In response to criticism of his remark, Johnson clarified, “I wasn’t suggesting that the island of Guam would literally tip over. I was using a metaphor to say that with the addition of 8,000 Marines and their dependents – an additional 80,000 people during peak construction to the port on the tiny island with a population of 180,000 – could be a tipping point which would adversely affect the island’s fragile ecosystem and over burden its already overstressed infrastructure.
“Having traveled to Guam last year, I saw firsthand how this beautiful – but vulnerable - island is already overburdened, and I was simply voicing my concerns that the addition of that many people could tip the delicate balance and do harm to Guam.”[22]
During a House Armed Services Committee hearing in March 2010, Johnson asked several questions of Admiral Robert F. Willard of the United States Pacific Command concerning the U.S. military installation on the island of Guam. The questions eventually led to Johnson telling Admiral Willard "My fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize."[20][21] This line of questioning prompted Atlanta political pundit, Jim Galloway, to say, "Unfortunately, we can’t say [this] is an April Fool’s Day prank."
In response to criticism of his remark, Johnson clarified, “I wasn’t suggesting that the island of Guam would literally tip over. I was using a metaphor to say that with the addition of 8,000 Marines and their dependents – an additional 80,000 people during peak construction to the port on the tiny island with a population of 180,000 – could be a tipping point which would adversely affect the island’s fragile ecosystem and over burden its already overstressed infrastructure.
“Having traveled to Guam last year, I saw firsthand how this beautiful – but vulnerable - island is already overburdened, and I was simply voicing my concerns that the addition of that many people could tip the delicate balance and do harm to Guam.”[22]

Did you watch the whole video? There was absolutely no sense that he was speaking metaphorically ...that was nothing more than an attempt at a save face.
Did you watch the whole video? There was absolutely no sense that he was speaking metaphorically ...that was nothing more than an attempt at a save face.

Yes I did, he is certainly not the most articulate member of Congress. He must have attended the George W. Bush college for effective public speaking.

Note to Damocles; he is one of the first two Buddhists to serve in Congress.
Yes I did, he is certainly not the most articulate member of Congress. He must have attended the George W. Bush college for effective public speaking.

Note to Damocles; he is one of the first two Buddhists to serve in Congress.

Without the teleprompter Obama is ummmehhhhuhhhhummmmehhh so bfd.

This guy actually thought an island could capsize...and I do believe he went to the dumbocrat school of public speaking. Worse than that is the fact he has power on a congressional committee and a vote in congress!
How the heck would he get elected? It only takes about 10 seconds of listening to him before I realize he isn't quite all there...
Without the teleprompter Obama is ummmehhhhuhhhhummmmehhh so bfd.

This guy actually thought an island could capsize...and I do believe he went to the dumbocrat school of public speaking. Worse than that is the fact he has power on a congressional committee and a vote in congress!

Bush II was inarticulate, even with a teleprompter, however I will concede that Johnson didn't stand up well on that occasion. I'd have thought that he would have as least known the geography of Guam beforehand.
Bush II was inarticulate, even with a teleprompter, however I will concede that Johnson didn't stand up well on that occasion. I'd have thought that he would have as least known the geography of Guam beforehand.

Bush II had a southern parochial speech style; he is plain spoken in speech and platitudes. He was not eloquent, but he was not inarticulate...Congressman Johnson's flat out dippy.
Bush II had a southern parochial speech style; he is plain spoken in speech and platitudes. He was not eloquent, but he was not inarticulate...Congressman Johnson's flat out dippy.

I guess we really ought to be reminded of his southern parochial style!!

[nomedia=""]YouTube- George W. Bush bloopers[/nomedia]
I guess we really ought to be reminded of his southern parochial style!!

YouTube- George W. Bush bloopers

I like this one better

[nomedia=""]YouTube- Obama without his teleprompter[/nomedia]

this one was kool too

[nomedia=""]YouTube- Barack Obama "Uh" Count[/nomedia]

[nomedia=""]YouTube- The Obama Stutter[/nomedia]
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And while we're on the subject of excellent reading/speaking by our elected officials in D.C. check out this beauty. This pisses me off because I hate the Florida Gators and this woman got her masters from there. I sure the hell hope it wasn't in public speaking. University of Florida the best academic school in the country my *ss.

[nomedia=""]YouTube- UF Alum Rep. Corrine Brown Congratulating The UF Football Team[/nomedia]
Maybe we could have a dedicated thread for daily:

"Today's sign the end is near"...a bit of satirical humor?

The most thanked wins...the most groaned gets razzed...LOL

Here is George making a valuable contribution to the debate at Harvard.

George W ws not a great public speaker, no one will deny that.

But "Guam will tipover"? And as far as what the idiot meant, he actually uses the word "capsize". No matter what he is saying now, the moron meant that he was worried that Guam would tipover and capsize.

George W. was far from genius. But compared to the congressman from GA, George W. is Einstein.
George W ws not a great public speaker, no one will deny that.

But "Guam will tipover"? And as far as what the idiot meant, he actually uses the word "capsize". No matter what he is saying now, the moron meant that he was worried that Guam would tipover and capsize.

George W. was far from genius. But compared to the congressman from GA, George W. is Einstein.

Seemed pretty clear to me, but when your aim is to hold up GW Bush as the evil of the world, well is it any wonder?

I heard Dubyah was responsible for my cornflakes growing soggy and Tom's gruel going lumpy this morning.

Man! That guy gets around! :palm: