Tom Tancredo supports the legalization of Marijuana


Staff member
Yesterday, my friend Tom spent about an hour on the radio explaining his stance on this issue. Here is a short synopsis of his positions. (Some people here may recognize some of these very points as something a poster here said... see if you can figure out where he may have heard some of these points.)

1. He believes that the War on Drugs is a failure, that we have spent trillions on a failed attempt at what had previously failed, prohibition.

2. That it would actually make it more difficult for kids to get it if it could only be sold with identification checks rather than by their best bud at school.

3. That MJ, being the largest cash crop coming in from Mexico (yeah, still is... amazing, eh?) is the likely cause of the violence that is currently turning Mexico, and often our city streets, into a war zone.

So... What do you think of Tom Tancredo's position on this particular issue?

Oh, and here's a link to the show he was interviewed on...

It was the Thursday show, the 5:00 hour. The Republican on the show isn't a fan of the idea, the Democrat is. Both are lawyers. The one with the funny voice is Craig Silverman, a Democrat and an attorney, the other is Dan Caplis, a Republican and an attorney.
I support the legalization except its a moot point and won't happen. Anyone with a pot of dirt and a windowsill can grow it for free, so it can't make a decent profit and can't produce as much revenue for the government that they get now from seizing assets in drug busts.

Y'all seem to think that the government is concerned with maximizing our freedom but after they steamrolled the Constitution back in the 1930's that simply ain't the case.

You get the government that you deserve.
That's sort of surprising. Maybe Tom isn't exactly the fascist I had pictured.

In these times, with the majority of Americans for legalization, it's becoming increasingly difficult to argue against it. IMHO, legalization is possible within the decade. The argument against are simply falling flat on their face, as they always have, except now they have no public support.
Tom Tancredo? Is he a pro golfer or something?

No wait he is the guy that got the mental deferrment from nam as I recall.
Typical young Republican.
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