Tonight at midnight EDT we'll be down...


Staff member
... for an upgrade.

There have been two version released since the last one and it's time to catch back up...

It shouldn't take me too long...

Hey! How do I do strike throughs in html?
It's dprecated, but the easiest way is to surround the text with a "strike" tag:

<STRIKE>Text to have a line through it</STRIKE>

The more correct way to do it would be to use the style attribute of a surrounding span to set a "text-decoration: line-through;" rule. Not worth worrying about though: just use the strike tag. ;)
Back up and running... It appears as if everything is operating normally! WooHooo! Another successful upgrade!
Sorry, LadyT: I was being an obnoxious pedant again. This will not work on JPP since JPP doesn't support HTML formatting in posts. Only BB Code tags work on JPP . . . which I knew perfectly well when I responded.

Apologies are in order. I was using your post as an excuse to tweak Damo's nose a little bit. Not fair, but then I never claimed to be fair.
