"Too many tags"???


New member
Sometimes when I start a thread, the system tells me I have posted too many tags for the post. But, umm, I haven't posted any tags at all. The system apparently takes my title and plucks out a number of words, puts them in the Tags window by itself, then yells at ME for putting too many there.

OK, OK. So how do I keep the system from posting too many of its own tags and blaming me?

Like dealing with a leftist fanatic all over again. :^)
When you start threads, one way to stop that is by actually posting tags. If you keep them concise it won't take your title and create tags from it.
nice feature. I erased them and then it made them again.

If only there was a way to make a limit for the number of tags it can auto-produce, like say, the maximum number of tags allowed.
nice feature. I erased them and then it made them again.

If only there was a way to make a limit for the number of tags it can auto-produce, like say, the maximum number of tags allowed.

yeah same here sometimes, see my somethings bent thread.

Damo just whizzed me off like a congressman.
nice feature. I erased them and then it made them again.

If only there was a way to make a limit for the number of tags it can auto-produce, like say, the maximum number of tags allowed.
I'll work on it.