Top 1% paying high % tax than ever before


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Yes class warfare lovers rejoice they are currently paying a higher percentage of their income than they ever have.
Another interesting point. The top 1% pay more taxes than the bottom 40%.
This from the IRS

And they should pay more?:pke:
Yes class warfare lovers rejoice they are currently paying a higher percentage of their income than they ever have.
Another interesting point. The top 1% pay more taxes than the bottom 40%.
This from the IRS

And they should pay more?:pke:

How many sons and daughters of this top 1% are spilling blood in iraq?

How many of them are on patrol, with the Border patrol protecting the border?

How many of them are in the Coast Guard?

How many of them are serving as police and firefighters?

What??? "None", you say?

Uhh, well then yeah - they can contribute to the nation's well being in other ways. If they're not gonna spill blood, or protect the nation, they can pay higher taxes to meet their contribution to the nation.
How many sons and daughters of this top 1% are spilling blood in iraq?

Immaterial. Now, you know that I detest this bloodbath as much as anyone. But the fact that some incompetent idiot imperialist in the White House chose the unnecessarily send our fine men and women into the meat grinder does not give carte blanche to the government to fuck those among us who have the highest earning power. An unnecessary war does not mean that socialistic thinking and policy is the natural consequence.

How many of them are on patrol, with the Border patrol protecting the border?

Again, belittling the wealthy for not being border guards while taking enormous amounts of their money does not logically follow.

How many of them are in the Coast Guard?

How many of them are serving as police and firefighters?

What??? "None", you say?

These are all voluntary careers. Do you think that NONE of the top 1% have ever been a firefighter, or a cop, a soldier or any of the other jobs you state? Would you give tax exemption to a former firefighter that has since made it big? I somehow highly doubt it. These are left wing fiscally liberal talking points that are ultimately meaningless, and you know it. The relationship between these jobs and the tax burden is absolutely, positively irrelevant.
How many sons and daughters of this top 1% are spilling blood in iraq?

Immaterial. Now, you know that I detest this bloodbath as much as anyone. But the fact that some incompetent idiot imperialist in the White House chose the unnecessarily send our fine men and women into the meat grinder does not give carte blanche to the government to fuck those among us who have the highest earning power. An unnecessary war does not mean that socialistic thinking and policy is the natural consequence.

How many of them are on patrol, with the Border patrol protecting the border?

Again, belittling the wealthy for not being border guards while taking enormous amounts of their money does not logically follow.

How many of them are in the Coast Guard?

How many of them are serving as police and firefighters?

What??? "None", you say?

These are all voluntary careers. Do you think that NONE of the top 1% have ever been a firefighter, or a cop, a soldier or any of the other jobs you state? Would you give tax exemption to a former firefighter that has since made it big? I somehow highly doubt it. These are left wing fiscally liberal talking points that are ultimately meaningless, and you know it. The relationship between these jobs and the tax burden is absolutely, positively irrelevant.

Its a flippant answer, for a flippant number topspin pulled out of his ass. Note, that no link was provided.

The number topspin provides is bullshit. This is basic math. I guarantee you the number topspin is quoting is for federal income tax only.

That a dishonest way to assess the tax burden. When you include ALL federal taxes, fees, and well as state and local taxes and fees, and payroll taxes, the middle class is disproportionatly paying the lions share. The bullshit about the top 1% paying 40% is a fudged number.
Its a flippant answer, for a flippant number topspin pulled out of his ass. Note, that no link was provided.

The number topspin provides is bullshit. This is basic math. I guarantee you the number topspin is quoting is for federal income tax only.

That a dishonest way to assess the tax burden. When you include ALL federal taxes, fees, and well as state and local taxes and fees, and payroll taxes, the middle class is disproportionatly paying the lions share. The bullshit about the top 1% paying 40% is a fudged number.

I don't disagree that the tax burden is unfair and disgusting. But I do find it unnerving when fiscal liberalism says we are not taxed enough.

For the purpose of reality, it is not the fiscal conservatives that have created this obscene spending machine (regardless of party). It is the fiscal liberals. We ALL pay too damned taxes, and the Federal government spends even more than it takes in. We do not, by any means have a revenue problem. The share of the tax burden is also a moot point in the respect that the spending is so ridiculously high anyway, that the bulk of ANY taxes are bullshit.

But its never enough. Well, guess what. There will never be enough revenue to satisfy the beast. You're cutting off your nose to spite your face if you think that we have a revenue problem. And I'll be flat shocked if spending ever goes down, and if the left ever stops using class warfare to fuel the beast.
Yes class warfare lovers rejoice they are currently paying a higher percentage of their income than they ever have.
Another interesting point. The top 1% pay more taxes than the bottom 40%.
This from the IRS

And they should pay more?:pke:

They would still pay more than the lower classes even if we had a flat income tax. What do you want? A head tax? I guess that'd be equal, but everyone in the US would have to pay like 20,000 a year regardless of income.
Its a flippant answer, for a flippant number topspin pulled out of his ass. Note, that no link was provided.

The number topspin provides is bullshit. This is basic math. I guarantee you the number topspin is quoting is for federal income tax only.

That a dishonest way to assess the tax burden. When you include ALL federal taxes, fees, and well as state and local taxes and fees, and payroll taxes, the middle class is disproportionatly paying the lions share. The bullshit about the top 1% paying 40% is a fudged number.

Most taxes are proportional or flat based on income. Property taxes aren't, but they still mainly affect the rich. The state, local, and payroll taxes should bring the amount closer to what it would be if it were a flat tax, but the rich would still obviously pay the most, even if everything were completely flat.
Most taxes are proportional or flat based on income. Property taxes aren't, but they still mainly affect the rich. The state, local, and payroll taxes should bring the amount closer to what it would be if it were a flat tax, but the rich would still obviously pay the most, even if everything were completely flat.

So, what's your point?
So, what's your point?

mbl, are you purposely being obtuse?

He stated that the 15% or so of taxes that you pay to the state and localities would bring the tax burden disproportionately on the middle class. Now, the vast majority of our income is taxed in federal progressive income taxes. The rest are mostly flat, and very few are actually regressive, and none come close to being a "head tax". It therefore seems as if it wouldn't make a big difference to my person.
Cypress, I educate and razz dems cause I want us to win.
We can't do it with business ignorant people like your and usc as the model.

I NEVER pull numbers out my ass.

CNBC reported it as coming from the IRS, the number is most certainly real.

Instead of the pussy socialist tact of parsing the number why not address the issue. How much is enough.

For the 50th time, we are not under taxed. The gov pisses away our money.:pke:
Yes class warfare lovers rejoice they are currently paying a higher percentage of their income than they ever have.
Another interesting point. The top 1% pay more taxes than the bottom 40%.
This from the IRS

And they should pay more?:pke:

How are you figuring this? At one time the top tax rate was 90%, and in the 80's it was lowered from 70%.

How are you presenting your figures here?
Cypress, I educate and razz dems cause I want us to win.
We can't do it with business ignorant people like your and usc as the model.

I NEVER pull numbers out my ass.

CNBC reported it as coming from the IRS, the number is most certainly real.

Instead of the pussy socialist tact of parsing the number why not address the issue. How much is enough.

For the 50th time, we are not under taxed. The gov pisses away our money.:pke:

Really? So CNBC has reported that the top tax rate is now over 90%? Or even 70%? Can I see a link to this report, I'd love to read it.

Just to get myself edumicated.
Its a flippant answer, for a flippant number topspin pulled out of his ass. Note, that no link was provided.

The number topspin provides is bullshit. This is basic math. I guarantee you the number topspin is quoting is for federal income tax only.

That a dishonest way to assess the tax burden. When you include ALL federal taxes, fees, and well as state and local taxes and fees, and payroll taxes, the middle class is disproportionatly paying the lions share. The bullshit about the top 1% paying 40% is a fudged number.

The top 1% now hold more of the nation's wealth than the bottom 90% combined. So that they would pay a higher percentage of total federal taxes collected than the bottom 40%, wouldn't be a surprise. That anyone could not be shocked by this figure, and by the massive transfer of weath and stagnation of the middle class it indicates, would be a surprise, to me.

However, that they are paying "a higher percentage of their income than ever before" would be a shocker, since the top tax rate has been as high as 91%, and for years hoovered at around 70%.

I would like to see an explanation for that claim, personally.
Really? So CNBC has reported that the top tax rate is now over 90%? Or even 70%? Can I see a link to this report, I'd love to read it.

Just to get myself edumicated.


Its a bs number. The top tax rate is like 33%. And its a marginal rate which only applies to wages over 350k. Meaning The effective tax rate for people making hundreds of thousands in wages is considerably less than 33%

Plus, hardly anyone in the country makes hundreds of thousands in wages outside of CEOs and professional athletes. Most rich people make most of the money from investment income, NOT wage income.

Investment income is taxed at typically much lower rates than income earned from wages. Some forms of investment income you don't even have to pay federal taxes on.

Its a bs number. The top tax rate is like 33%. And its a marginal rate which only applies to wages over 350k. Meaning The effective tax rate for people making hundreds of thousands in wages is considerably less than 33%

Plus, hardly anyone in the country makes hundreds of thousands in wages outside of CEOs and professional athletes. Most rich people make most of the money from investment income, NOT wage income.

Investment income is taxed at typically much lower rates than income earned from wages. Some forms of investment income you don't even have to pay federal taxes on.

I don' t know what in hell he's talking about.
Cypress, I educate and razz dems cause I want us to win.
We can't do it with business ignorant people like your and usc as the model.

I NEVER pull numbers out my ass.

CNBC reported it as coming from the IRS, the number is most certainly real.

Instead of the pussy socialist tact of parsing the number why not address the issue. How much is enough.

For the 50th time, we are not under taxed. The gov pisses away our money.:pke:

Top, you're the one who's parsing. I'm quite sure you only looked at ONE type of tax, to come up with this number: federal INCOME tax.

That's only one TYPE of tax.

An HONEST was to assess tax burden is to include ALL federal and states taxes and fees.

If you were to include property taxes, gasoline taxes, excise taxes, state and local taxes, sales tax, payroll tax, you would find that the middle class overwhelmingly pays the lions share of the burden.

What's the point of cherry picking only ONE kind of tax, to try to demonstrate how the ultra rich are allegedly overburdened?
you people crack me up,
it's partially my fault for not explaining it in a fashion that a non pencil neck accountant like me can grasp.

The point was the top 1% of income earners are paying a higher % of their total income in taxes than anytime in history.

How does this happen with very low rates you ask?

Well back in the day of higher rates, you have everything under the sun deductible.

Look I'm no where near that top 1%, I'm just passing on an interesting fact from the IRS.

One analyst said what I've been saying. The many in the middle class when question on it say they plan to or hope to be rich. And they don't want to give up half when that ship does come in.
That my frieds is why I say Hillary/Obama/Edwards or my new favorite Richardson needs to focus on military waste and not taxing the uppermiddle or upper class.:clink: