Topless feminists throw firebombs, tampons and feces at a Catholic church

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Pro-abortion feminists staged a violent, topless protest o demand taxpayer-funded abortions and cultural acceptance of prostitution.

The protesters vandalized several buildings, including a Catholic cathedral during the pro-abortion “Boob Protest.” Local news reports indicate the pro-abortion protesters threw rocks, a Molotov cocktail, bottles, tampons and feces, as well as balloons filled with paint. They also painted walls with messages such as “Death to the pope” and “Lesbianize yourself.”

Earlier this year, a group of abortion activists staged a gross and disgusting publicity stunt on International Women’s Day. They dressed up a woman to look like the Virgin Mary and then “killed” a model of an unborn baby Jesus in a mock abortion in front of a Catholic church.
I see emoji is still up to cherry picking stories off of partisan websites and employing them to generalize upon whole groupings of people

Now with that type of logic, which is actually known as the "fallacy of defective induction," I remember my logic classes in college, could I assume from the below report that all Republican candidates for Congress might have a screw missing?

"Miami politician says aliens took her on a spaceship. Now she’s running for Congress"

It's so easy to do
I see emoji is still up to cherry picking stories off of partisan websites and employing them to generalize upon whole groupings of people
You've presented a false equivalence. Feminists routinely act undignified in their protests: going topless, dressing up as huge vaginas, making a speech in front of a national audience claiming to be "nasty".

The key word here is "dignity". Everyone wants it, but you won't get it by acting undignified.
I described perfectly what emoji did, does, did you notice that his article is describing events from Argentina, probably not, cause he left that part out

And I think you missed the point, my example was only meant to show how easy it is to duplicate the same in the other direction, and you narrating that "feminists routinely" act a certain way doesn't make his post anymore legitimate
Since we live in a world where the internet allows free access to information across the globe, the fact that a feminist protest was in a different country is meaningless.

It's not just feminists whe act undignified in their protests- look at Occupy Wall Street, BLM, Antifa or whatever the latest leftist group-think is.
Since we live in a world where the internet allows free access to information across the globe, the fact that a feminist protest was in a different country is meaningless.

It's not just feminists whe act undignified in their protests- look at Occupy Wall Street, BLM, Antifa or whatever the latest leftist group-think is.

So now all feminists worldwide act undignified, is that correct? Your either buying emoji's bogus generalizations or refusing to recognize their inanity

And if you are going to make up lists, you can add Unite the Right and Occupy Oregon, people get killed at their protests
So now all feminists worldwide act undignified, is that correct? Your either buying emoji's bogus generalizations or refusing to recognize their inanity

I'm not buying anything- I'm observing what's routinely published on the internet. Most feminists act dignified, I assume, but the ones we hear about with national or international protests get the press, and in general, they act very undignified.
So now all feminists worldwide act undignified, is that correct? Your either buying emoji's bogus generalizations or refusing to recognize their inanity And if you are going to make up lists, you can add Unite the Right and Occupy Oregon, people get killed at their protests

I don't recall making any generalizations in the OP, anchovies, or any comment at all.

Why lie?


I see emoji is still up to cherry picking stories off of partisan websites and employing them to generalize upon whole groupings of people

Now with that type of logic, which is actually known as the "fallacy of defective induction," I remember my logic classes in college, could I assume from the below report that all Republican candidates for Congress might have a screw missing?

"Miami politician says aliens took her on a spaceship. Now she’s running for Congress"

It's so easy to do
It's easy to do if you're a lying piece of shit. But if you're an honest American, you know instantly that incidences of this kind of trashy hate is much more rampant than one, single wacky politician claiming to have been abducted by aliens. On top of that, the incidences aren't even related.

You see pervert, leftists are capable of pulling ALL kinds of stupid shit anywhere, anyway at anytime. It's very much like radicalized Muslims pulling acts of terrorism anywhere, anyway at anytime. Both sides despise people, in general, but they absolutely hate good, law abiding Americans.

So dumbass, pack it up and take that nonsensical bullshit to Mother Jones for radical revision. When you think you're ready, bring it back here and I'll blast the shit out of it again. ;)
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I heard that cunt face Christiecrite was with the feces-flingers in spirit.

Here we see a typical interaction with her closest companion:


*Thanks to former posters USALTTE and ID for the pic