Topspin Financial Guru.....


New member
I just lost $1000 in my mutual funds today...

Whats your pick of the week?

Need to make up the slack...I'm mostly in Asian and Latin American....

Help me out oh greatness of commerce...


Sell now man---or go down with the ship.

He is not going to give you advise here. Even if he is licensed to legally do so. What if he is wrong? You might be a little pissed. He does not understand the reprocussions of fracturing our manufactuing base, putting our own people out of work, who used to buy the products your stock is supporting.
I understand you lack schooling majority, ck is a freshman in college like watergerber. so what if he acts like it.
I'm not seeling because that's what you do, you ride it out. Stocks are still not cheap. The level of ignorance on this board about the market is astounding.
I use to have a securities licence a life insurance licence and a motrage brokers licence. (big deal to any of them) I know how important it is to stay optomistic to try to hold off the enevitable. it is feeble at this point.

The level of stupidy is austounding. Have you got anything with substance?

Again--we have a "educated idiot" here that thinks he is wiser (they don't teach that top) than the level on the board---yet, I bet he will not bet me money on the direction of our economy.

how much TOP? How much do ya wanna lose. Put some stok in this bet. We are going down.
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he's where your still a novice. WE NEED TO GO DOWN.
The long term Price of the market is 15, and we're still higher.
I'm a long term investor 10% is cool, I ride the roller coaster and put a couple grand in each month for 20ys. This is nothing!!! Check back in a year or two and people will wish they didn't panic as usual.