Torturing the Evil Doers


Well-known member
I still can't get out of my mind that republican debate, where some of the candidates wanted to get all medieval and all Jack Bauer on suspected terrorists, particularly if they knew where a ticking bomb was. And the cheering reaction of the republican audience.

Could somebody tell these torture advocates that they've been watching too many hollywood movies?

Former FBI agent: ticking bomb scenario is a ‘red herring.’

Jack Cloonan, who spent 25 years as an FBI special agent and interrogated members of al Qaeda, recently told Foreign Policy that he has “been hard pressed to find a situation where anybody” can say “that they’ve ever encountered the ticking bomb scenario” when interrogating terrorists.

He said it is a “red herring” and “n the real world it doesn’t happen.” Cloonan added that the Israelis, “who have been doing this for a long time,” have “never had a situation where it is quote ‘a ticking bomb.’”
The question was based on an unrealistic scenario, it is unlikely than anything other than an unrealistic answer would be provided.

This is like the moderators spending half the debate on how old the Earth is.
the sane response would be to leave jack bauer out of it. And simply state that we are going to protect america, but torture is both immoral, illegal, and counterproductive to american values. And to laugh off the hollywood scenarios of ticking time bombs as a fantasy used to rationalize torture.

IMO. That's how I would have answered.
the sane response would be to leave jack bauer out of it. And simply state that we are going to protect america, but torture is both immoral, illegal, and counterproductive to american values. And to laugh off the hollywood scenarios of ticking time bombs as a fantasy used to rationalize torture.

IMO. That's how I would have answered.
The sane question would have left Jack Bauer out of it. Tom mentioned him because the scenario was as silly as the show "24", such scenarios don't happen in the real world.
So it’s the moderators’ fault for asking the questions? It’s not the candidates fault for being functionally retarded?
..... It’s not the candidates fault for being functionally retarded?
And that's pretty much why I'll likely wind up voting for the Communist candidate. I am sick and tired of voting "lesser evil." At least the Commie is honest about his intentions for this nation.
So it’s the moderators’ fault for asking the questions? It’s not the candidates fault for being functionally retarded?
Yes. A retarded question was answered with a joke that only the functionally retarded thought was serious.
And that's pretty much why I'll likely wind up voting for the Communist candidate. I am sick and tired of voting "lesser evil." At least the Commie is honest about his intentions for this nation.
Yeah, no need to vote for the "lesser" evil when there is the "greater" evil to vote for. I'll go for anybody who is a Satanist...

And that's pretty much why I'll likely wind up voting for the Communist candidate. I am sick and tired of voting "lesser evil." At least the Commie is honest about his intentions for this nation.

Ok. Provided Obama is the Dem nominee, I'm going to vote for him. It's good to see the commies getting some votes though Trog!
the sane response would be to leave jack bauer out of it. And simply state that we are going to protect america, but torture is both immoral, illegal, and counterproductive to american values. And to laugh off the hollywood scenarios of ticking time bombs as a fantasy used to rationalize torture.

IMO. That's how I would have answered.

You've got my vote!