Tory vs Voodo Conservatism

Well at least the British have true conservatives in their political system and aren't stuck with the nut jobs we are. I'd still be a Republican if they had reasonable and rational conservatives like those in the UK.

From your link:
Osborne is about to unveil an austere deficit-reduction plan that will cut most departmental budgets by 25 percent over several years.

How is that substantially different from what I have advocated?
From your link:

How is that substantially different from what I have advocated?
If you've named specifics then I've missed them, besides who's talking about you? Look at the Republicans current plan. It's a fucking joke. It's the same old tired BS with out them having the balls to tell us the truth which is, there will be tough decisions, their will be pain and their will be shared sacrifice.

When I hear a prominant Republican state that we will need to adjust to less services and the wealthy will have to pay more taxes to pay off the debt, then I'll take Republicans seriously. Until then I've had it with the borrow and spend even more knuckle dragging wingnuts.

When it comes to spending Republicans have proven them selves far less trust worthy then Dems....and that's saying a lot cause when it comes to spending I don't trust Dems any farther then I can throw them. When it comes to government spending in the last 40 years the American public has had the choice between bad (democrats) and unbelievably fucking bad (republicans).

Repubs need to admit there's more to good governance then tax cuts for the wealthy and start walking the talk. Until they do they will remain the party of plutocrats and angry old rural white people. Given current demographics it's only a matter of time before that's no longer tenable for Republicans.
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If you've named specifics then I've missed them, besides who's talking about you? Look at the Republicans current plan. It's a fucking joke. It's the same old tired BS with out them having the balls to tell us the truth which is, there will be tough decisions, their will be pain and their will be shared sacrifice.

When I hear a prominant Republican state that we will need to adjust to less services and the wealthy will have to pay more taxes to pay off the debt, then I'll take Republicans seriously. Until then I've had it with the borrow and spend even more knuckle dragging wingnuts.

When it comes to spending Republicans have proven them selves far less trust worthy then Dems....and that's saying a lot cause when it comes to spending I don't trust Dems any farther then I can throw them. When it comes to government spending in the last 40 years the American public has had the choice between bad (democrats) and unbelievably fucking bad (republicans).

Repubs need to admit there's more to good governance then tax cuts for the wealthy and start walking the talk. Until they do they will remain the party of plutocrats and angry old rural white people. Given current demographics it's only a matter of time before that's no longer tenable for Republicans.

There you go again confusing Republicans with Conservatives. Are you a retard or something?
I just want to hear from someone who will not outright lie to my face, and continually trot out the phrase, "tax cuts for the rich." Mott, you just aren't that bloke.
Mott, the Democrats have controlled Congress for four years now. What have they done in your opinion to control spending in ways that the Repubicans didn't/couldn't during their Congressional control?
I just want to hear from someone who will not outright lie to my face, and continually trot out the phrase, "tax cuts for the rich." Mott, you just aren't that bloke.

Alright Three i'll give it to you straight*

You're massively in debt and everyone is facing tax rises, cuts in public services or a combination of both.

I do have the advantage of not wanting to be elected though.

*I'll leave that hanging there for a passing opportunist
Alright Three i'll give it to you straight*

You're massively in debt and everyone is facing tax rises, cuts in public services or a combination of both.

I do have the advantage of not wanting to be elected though.

*I'll leave that hanging there for a passing opportunist

How exactly does one man give it to another man straight? I suppose he must offer up his wife, girlfriend(s), mistress(es), or concubines...
I just want to hear from someone who will not outright lie to my face, and continually trot out the phrase, "tax cuts for the rich." Mott, you just aren't that bloke.
I defy you 3D to show me a tax cut at the federal level sponsored by Republicans in the last 30 years that was not regressive in nature. Just one.
I defy you 3D to show me a tax cut at the federal level sponsored by Republicans in the last 30 years that was not regressive in nature. Just one.

LOL, they're tax CUTS, fool!

But, the Bush one's took millions off the tax rolls altogether, and reduced the lowest rates significantly. But those were regressive, because everyone got them, and not fucking with the monied interests/theives and getting our revenge on their undeserved success is regressive...
You are a political reactionary. You are not even close to being a conservative. I'm far closer to being a conservative then you are.
"Reactionary" is the latest lib-tard word that means nothing, like "neocon".

I hold the Constitution with reverence; you gaily usurp it. That makes me a conservative and you a butt-fucking liberal. :fu:
Mott has called W. a reactionary. Unless I missed it I haven't seen him post exactly why he believes that.
There you go again confusing Republicans with Conservatives. Are you a retard or something?

No, he was trying to give you examples based on actual actions of a conservative political party. If you can think of a current conservative political party besides the republicans, feel free to jump right in.

You have belittled the Libertarians. Your comments about the democrats have been anything but calling them conservative.

So when you try the dodge about confusing Republicans with Conservatives, what other actual elected group, that has had any control over budgets, is conservative?
LOL, they're tax CUTS, fool!

But, the Bush one's took millions off the tax rolls altogether, and reduced the lowest rates significantly. But those were regressive, because everyone got them, and not fucking with the monied interests/theives and getting our revenge on their undeserved success is regressive...
And in the mean time what did they do with those regressive tax cuts? They pissed it away gambling on the market, crashed our economy, dumped us into the greatest recession since the great deppression all while irresponsibly running up mountains of debt, which they blame on everyone but themselves. Yea....real rational analysis there 3D. You folks just don't get it. When ever someone starts talking about the sacrifices that need to be taken by us all to make sure our government operates responsibly you bring up the class warfare canard. Whenever right wing politicians obstruct the national interest to preserve the economic interest of a privelaged few you again bring up the class warefare canard.

The point here is that Republicans keep talking empty headed smack with no specifics on how they will solve problems. Conservatives in the UK are doing just exactly that. They are spelling out in specific detail how they will govern affectively and responsibly. This is what conservatives in our country should be doing.
There is a real handy chart I think you should look at Mott. Among the many things on it, like bloated unnecessary military spending, or useless government agencies, is how much each person pays per billion dollars spent (in the bottom left corner).

Take note of the GIGANTIC disparity between income groups and how much they pay as opposed to the lesser income group.

Sorry I only have this as an attachment. I plan on using it to illustrate the cuts I'd make to the government at a later date.
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Mott, the Democrats have controlled Congress for four years now. What have they done in your opinion to control spending in ways that the Repubicans didn't/couldn't during their Congressional control?
Chirp, chirp.....?

Conveniently ignored....

Uncontrolled spending is the big problem....and the only problem....and socialism of any kind will make it an even worse problem.