Tough Guys


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Slide the cursor to 15:42 to hear Alito:

During a speech before the Federalist Society on Thursday, Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito said that the coronavirus pandemic has “highlighted disturbing trends” in the law such as “dominance of lawmaking by executive fiat, rather than legislation.” Which he characterized as “the movement toward rule by experts.”

Alito began by cautioning that, aside from specific references to any Supreme Court cases, he isn’t commenting on the legality of coronavirus restrictions and isn’t making any statements as to whether the restrictions constitute good policy.

He stated that coronavirus has “highlighted disturbing trends that were already present before the virus struck.”

Alito continued, “One of these is the dominance of lawmaking by executive fiat, rather than legislation. The vision of early-20th century progressives and the New Dealers of the 1930s was that policymaking would shift from narrowminded elected legislators to an elite group of appointed experts. In a word, that policymaking would become more scientific. That dream has been realized to a large extent. Every year, administrative agencies, acting under broad delegations of authority, churn out huge volumes of regulations that dwarf the statutes enacted by the people’s elected representatives. And what have we seen in the pandemic? Sweeping restrictions imposed, for the most part, under statutes that confer enormous executive discretion.”

He concluded that coronavirus restrictions have “highlighted the movement toward rule by experts.”

Alito: COVID Has Highlighted ‘Disturbing’ Trend of ‘Lawmaking by Executive Fiat’ and ‘Rule by Experts’
by Ian Hanchett
13 Nov 2020

Naturally, Justice Alito is right, but I have my own take on why everything is going terribly wrong in this country.

Is it “. . . rule by experts.”? I say no.

I would say that the coronavirus gave tough guy Democrats like Joe Biden, NY Governor Andrew Cuomo, and the entire Democrat Party priesthood the authority to govern by fiat. That is not rule by experts, nor is it a trend. It is organized religion’s golden rule as old as so-called “CIVILIZATION” itself —— ‘I rule the people collectively because I can beat them individually.’

The fact is: Socialists/Communists now rule the American people because Democrat priests beat them collectively. That is not a tough guy ruling because he can beat individuals who oppose him, it is the power of government collectively beating individuals. Frankly, without the power of government in their hands no government priest is that tough on his own.

NOTE: It is ludicrous to think that a government priestess can beat individual men in order to rule, or even threaten them physically the way Biden the Stutterer and Andrew Cuomo do it. Also note that leading female Democrats in or out of office encourage the violent crimes their flock commits in our cities.

Basically, no individual can beat the power of government. The minute an individual damages a government coward, the entire government priesthood comes together to crush the offending individual under the collective weight of government weaponry.

Put it this way:

With the single exception of Colonial America every priesthood, and every ruling class throughout history ruled people by beating down individuals by controlling the weapons of government. Maybe the toughest caveman ruled his tribe because he could beat individuals senseless or kill them, but that has not been true since the day the first group of dirty little priests discovered that collective morality was the key to ruling. On that day they banned together and created the first government —— with them in charge.
‘I rule the people collectively because I can beat them individually.’

This so called scientist gave the bums in government every thing they needed to rule the country:

Whitehouse coronavirus advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci thinks that Americans have an independent spirit, but that there are times when it’s in our best interest to follow the rules.

Fauci, speaking on Thursday at Washington National Cathedral with other top health experts on the pandemic, noted that it is a bit unfair to compare the United States’ coronavirus response with other countries. The United States isn’t an island with five million people that can easily be shut down, he notes. So suppressing and controlling the virus is a lot more of a challenge.

“I was talking with my U.K. colleagues who are saying the U.K. is similar to where we are now, because each of our countries have that independent spirit,” he said on stage. “I can understand that, but now is the time to do what you’re told.”

Ya sure. Do what parasites tell you to do.

Fauci noted that scientists have been perceived throughout this pandemic as “authoritarian”

Scientists are not “. . . authoritarian . . .”. They have been a pack of goddamned liars from day one.

by members of the public, because of the steps taken to combat the virus. He noted that it’s unfortunate that science “has been lumped into politics.”

In a “divisive” society, he said, people’s willingness to follow the advice of scientists has often been portrayed a political decision.

Exactly what has the coronavirus been if not political?

Surveys have found that Democrats are more likely than Republicans to view Covid-19 as a major threat to public health.

No shit. Democrats gained more authority without legislation than they ever had, and they are going to hang onto it regardless of how many more lies have to be told, or how many more scare tactics guys like Fauci can feed the media.

“All of a sudden science gets caught in a lot of this divisiveness,” he said.

What in hell did Fauci expect since he is responsible for most of it.

But if the majority of Americans started following the guidelines, Fauci expressed confidence that we will not need to shut down the country. Instead, he explained, the virus could be brought under control if people wore masks,

Yeah right. Make Fauci wealthier.

socially distanced, and washed their hands.

In his view, herd immunity is not a viable strategy.

Then why is he treating Americans like cattle?

“It sounds simple in the context of this ominous outbreak but in fact we can turn it around,” he said.

Fauci spoke alongside Dr. Luciana Borio, a member of President-Elect Joe Biden’s coronavirus taskforce and National Institutes of Health Director Dr. Francis Collins.

More than 10 million people in the U.S. have contracted the virus, and 242,000 have died.

Those numbers are the biggest lies of all.

Combine the testing lie with the countless cause of death statistics lies and I may have to lower my statistic to fewer than ten.

There have been more than 1,000 deaths a day for weeks at a time and the discussion comes as many health experts are growing increasingly concerned about the winter months.

Is China Joe Biden Fauci’s expert? or is it the other way around?

‘Dark Winter’: Biden set to usher in era of fear, lockdowns, high taxes and strangling regulations
By World Tribune on October 25, 2020

But this week, the country heard some positive news with Pfizer announcing that its vaccine is more than 90 percent effective.

Fauci seemed more optimistic, given the vaccine news, than he has been in the past. He was hopeful that people can see a light at the end of the tunnel, and will be ready to take the pandemic more seriously.

“When people know that help is on the way ... I hope we can get over the Covid fatigue,” he said.

Fauci says U.S. has ‘independent spirit,’ but now is the time to ‘do what you’re told’
Published Thu, Nov 12 20208:22 PM EST Updated Thu, Nov 12 20208:27 PM EST
Christina Farr

Democrats are either covering up a scandal or telling lies. President Trump should have fired Fauci immediately after he told his first lie.

p.s. Somebody should ask Fauci if coronavirus scientists are more creditable than global warming scientists? I would like to know how much time I have left. AOC who relies on U.N. scientists told me I would die before I turn 98:

“Millennials and people, you know, Gen Z and all these folks that will come after us are looking up and we’re like:

‘The world is gonna end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change’,” the doomsaying congresswoman revealed in her rather distinctive oratorical tone.

To prevent the coming end-times, she called millennials and members of Gen-Z into battle with her inspiring words: “And, like, this is the war – this is our World War II.”

Ocasio-Cortez ‘predicts’ end of the world in 12 years, cue Twitter mockery
22 Jan, 2019 16:46 / Updated 1 year ago

To be fair, AOC was right about two things.

1. There is no reason to put our affairs in order.

2. She is:
