Toxic president to speak Tuesday

Big Money

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Obama will speak to the nation Tuesday night with approval ratings lower than for any of his previous State of the Union addresses and with Americans broadly pessimistic that he will make good decisions for the future of the country, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.

More Americans rate his performance negatively than positively, with 50 percent outright disapproving.

Just 37 percent say they have either a good amount or a great deal of confidence in the president to make the right decisions for the country’s future, while 63 percent say they do not.

The Post-ABC poll was conducted Jan. 20 to 23 among a random national sample of 1,003 adults.
The best you could say about U.S. President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address last year was that it initiated an impressive string of failures. Immigration reform. Gun control. A higher minimum wage. Tax reform. Protecting Americans’ privacy. Failed.

Failed. Failed. Failed. And failed.

When your only success is stopping a 16-day partial government shutdown, you know your light didn’t shine in 2013.

So what do you do?

Well, if you are Obama, you up the ante and call for a “year of action” that will mobilize the country to give every person a “fair shot” at economic success. This is what he has promised to do in Tuesday’s State of the Union address. Expect a sort of full-throttle invocation of the American dream.

It goes without saying that the challenge is herculean. But Americans have no idea how big. They are about to learn.

U.S. unemployment continues to drop largely because many people have officially stopped looking. Yet that’s not the real issue.

Since he was first elected in 2008, Obama’s State of the Union speeches have consistently promised to strengthen the middle class and facilitate upward mobility. He has made little headway on either front.
As President Obama scans the chairs at the joint session of Congress Tuesday night, he can’t escape the foreboding that a year from now both houses, not just one, will be controlled by Republicans.

Democrat departures are reportedly on the way. Democrats need a turnover of 17 seats to take back the House.

With each passing week, that hill gets steeper.

They need to retain at least six Democrat seats in the Senate to keep the majority there – and that is far from assured, with Senate incumbents in Alaska, Louisiana and Arkansas facing challenges.

The Democrat are in a funk.

They are in the dumps because the leader of the party has parked his charisma somewhere, even with liberals.

Last week’s Quinnipiac University poll tells a grim story. Quinnipiac thought it was now relevant to ask whether Obama is “paying attention” to his job. When was the last time a national poll asked that about a president?

By a margin of 53 percent to 42 percent, responders said Obama is not competent to be president. Obama is a net negative on trustworthiness, handling of the economy, health care and foreign policy.

Little of what the president says Tuesday night will have a positive bearing on this year’s midterms.

For all Obama’s fuss about income inequality, Democrats’ House and Senate races will be largely local. The underlying theme of the their campaigns will be about surviving Obama.

Which opens to the president the course he likes best: talk. And in the first remarks Obama made this month, he handed the Republicans an issue.

Returning from vacation, he boasted that he has “a pen and a phone.”

This is a renewal of his threat to govern devoid of Congress through arm-twisting and by executive order.

A question, then, for all voters this November: Do you really want to give this man more power?