Transgender Nashville school shooter's violent rant REVEALED at last


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More information has been revealed about the transgender Nashville shooter Audrey Hale. Among four dozen pages of writings, Hale describes how she fantasized about her "imaginary penis" and how she hated her "conservative" parents who viewed her as their daughter.
So she wanted to be a man so she wouldn't be called a lesbo. :palm: ... or she just wanted to attract heterosexual women.

Freakin' homophobe artiste.
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Like the typical White Lib, she is a Sadist.

Gets off on punishing other people.
More information has been revealed about the transgender Nashville shooter Audrey Hale. Among four dozen pages of writings, Hale describes how she fantasized about her "imaginary penis" and how she hated her "conservative" parents who viewed her as their daughter.

So unsurprising.

Transgenderism is mental illness with a tendency to violence.
More information has been revealed about the transgender Nashville shooter Audrey Hale. Among four dozen pages of writings, Hale describes how she fantasized about her "imaginary penis" and how she hated her "conservative" parents who viewed her as their daughter.
What the left has done to young people in this country is unconscionable. There is a special place in hell for all who support this crap.