Transparency and State-run Media?

Okay, it's gotten so out of hand, I am having to combine two issues into one thread! I can't fucking type fast enough to keep up with the Obama corruption!

First of all, does everyone remember how we were lectured about Bush's "most secretive administration in history" and how Obama would give us the most "transparent" administration? Do you all recall the outrage from the left, when they weren't given the names of the people on Cheney's Energy Task Force? Well, the Obama Administration has cited "National Security" as their reason for not disclosing the public information of who visits the White House... forget the meetings, we can't even know who comes and goes! Yeah, I know, as transparent as flat black paint!

Next, is this issue of a public network media outlet, covering the president's health care announcement and 'town hall' meeting FROM the White House! When did they ever do this for Bush???? Also, the network REFUSED to allow an opposition rebuttal, as is customary in these instances... they just flat refused to allow it! In spite of Obama's claim that he welcomes debate from opposing viewpoints, he really doesn't welcome such debate, and his lapdog media network runs interference for him, stifling such dissent! The so-called "town hall" meeting will contain some "republicans" but they will be "moderates" like Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins! They will be apologetic and contrite little nit wits like Arlen Specter and John McCain, who will not put up ANY sort of challenge to the issue. WHY? Well, of course it's because Obama needs to make this health care debate appear one-sided... we ALL agree with him, that we need this massive multi-trillion dollar reform!
Obama...rings a bell. Isn't that the guy whose birth certificate is going to get him kicked out of the White House?

Why would you care what he's doing? His ouster sounds imminent....
Such a terrible burden to bear Dixie. To singlehandedly defeat the aims of all the pinhead demoncrats in the galaxy.

I think you will at least need a couple of superpowers to aid in your quest.
Perhaps non stinky feet and a invisibility?
I'm pretty sure he's inviting only the Republicans he thinks he has a chance of winning over to the meeting. There can be no dialogue with the hardliners; they'd just turn it into a screaming match.
Funny how a right wing lugnut who has screamed about the liberal media for years has not caught on yet.

Keep singing the same song there Dixie.
We will keep not taking you serious.
Okay, it's gotten so out of hand, I am having to combine two issues into one thread! I can't fucking type fast enough to keep up with the Obama corruption!

First of all, does everyone remember how we were lectured about Bush's "most secretive administration in history" and how Obama would give us the most "transparent" administration? Do you all recall the outrage from the left, when they weren't given the names of the people on Cheney's Energy Task Force? Well, the Obama Administration has cited "National Security" as their reason for not disclosing the public information of who visits the White House... forget the meetings, we can't even know who comes and goes! Yeah, I know, as transparent as flat black paint!

Next, is this issue of a public network media outlet, covering the president's health care announcement and 'town hall' meeting FROM the White House! When did they ever do this for Bush???? Also, the network REFUSED to allow an opposition rebuttal, as is customary in these instances... they just flat refused to allow it! In spite of Obama's claim that he welcomes debate from opposing viewpoints, he really doesn't welcome such debate, and his lapdog media network runs interference for him, stifling such dissent! The so-called "town hall" meeting will contain some "republicans" but they will be "moderates" like Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins! They will be apologetic and contrite little nit wits like Arlen Specter and John McCain, who will not put up ANY sort of challenge to the issue. WHY? Well, of course it's because Obama needs to make this health care debate appear one-sided... we ALL agree with him, that we need this massive multi-trillion dollar reform!


Until the next election cycle we have to keep pounding home these truths. Exposing the corruption and the ineptitude of actual leadership on all fronts. Did you see the latest on health care reform...even the democrats are going "no way"! Our new president is not up to the job. I am making a bet he does not win a second term and that we will have a more equal balance in congress next year.