Treasonous Nixon

Barack Obama is our current president, Howard. You can't keep up with the conversation, so perhaps you should take your meds?

This is about Nixon, not Obama, do you really not get that?

How bout you tell us why you loved Nixon and why you think he was not a traitor.

When you get done we'll show you why Reagan was a traitor also with Iran-Contra.
I thought dead republicans became heroes for liberals once they're dead and out of the way.

.......... or is that dead conservatives?

Nixon was a progressive.

He slapped price controls on private industry and he took the country off the gold standard.

LBJ escalated the Vietnam war with thousands of American troops then turned his back on them and quit running for reelection.

Oh .. Nixon did bomb the ever living sh*t out of North Vietnam and Cambodia.

But Nixon ended the draft and gave all the college cuties back then a big sigh of relief.

You're not blaming Nixon the progressive for Vietnam are you?

Liberal icon John F. Kennedy started America's full involvement there and LBJ stuck America there.
Love your avitar.

Born poor in Chapel Hill, Tenn., in 1821, Nathan Bedford Forrest amassed a fortune as a plantation owner and slave trader, importing Africans long after the practice had been made illegal. At 40, he enlisted as a private in the Confederate army at the outset of the Civil War, rising to a cavalry general in a year.

The "Ku Klux Klan", from the greek "kuklos", ("circle" or "wheel"), was founded in Polaski, Tennessee, in 1866 by 6 Confederate officers. One of them, and the first Imperial Wizard of the KKK, was a former Confederate general and Freemason, Nathan Bedford Forrest.

At least we know where you stand.
Nixon was a progressive.

He slapped price controls on private industry and he took the country off the gold standard.

LBJ escalated the Vietnam war with thousands of American troops then turned his back on them and quit running for reelection.

Oh .. Nixon did bomb the ever living sh*t out of North Vietnam and Cambodia.

But Nixon ended the draft and gave all the college cuties back then a big sigh of relief.

You're not blaming Nixon the progressive for Vietnam are you?

Liberal icon John F. Kennedy started America's full involvement there and LBJ stuck America there.

Did you read the article at all?
Nixon is always a weird guy to me....if he hadn't been caught for Watergate he'd probably be revered as one of the best presidents in the century.
Love your avitar.

Born poor in Chapel Hill, Tenn., in 1821, Nathan Bedford Forrest amassed a fortune as a plantation owner and slave trader, importing Africans long after the practice had been made illegal. At 40, he enlisted as a private in the Confederate army at the outset of the Civil War, rising to a cavalry general in a year.

The "Ku Klux Klan", from the greek "kuklos", ("circle" or "wheel"), was founded in Polaski, Tennessee, in 1866 by 6 Confederate officers. One of them, and the first Imperial Wizard of the KKK, was a former Confederate general and Freemason, Nathan Bedford Forrest.

At least we know where you stand.

I know the difference between giving white southerners law and order by driving the loser carpetbaggers out of the south and the southern scalawags who supported them into hiding and the Klan that rose up prior to world war 1 over something called the red scare thanks to progressives like you and Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson.

Now back to the war that was started by progressive liberals, escalated by progressive liberals then after the same progressive liberals stabbed in the back the American soldiers they sent there, lost the same war they started and escalated.
Nixon is always a weird guy to me....if he hadn't been caught for Watergate he'd probably be revered as one of the best presidents in the century.

Yeah! Everybody should love the idea of government price and wage controls and taking America off of the gold standard and his best unconstitutional violation, the absurd violent fucking DRUG WAR The bastard wasn’t just a fucking crook, he was just another “progressive” idiot.
Nixon looks like a 'progressive' to you because your party has moved so far to the right that the middle looks like the far left. At that time, Nixon stood for everything the Republicon party believed in.


10 Aug 1950 - First shipload of U.S. arms aid to pro-French Vietnam arrives

1951 - U.S. military aid amounted to more than $500 million by 1951

7 May 54 - Viet Minh overrun French fortress at Dien Bien Phu

8 Sep 54 - Eight nations sign U.S.-sponsored SEATO treaty

12 Feb 55 - President Eisenhower's administration sends the first U.S. advisers to South Vietnam to train the South Vietnamese Army

5 Sep 56 - President Eisenhower tells a news conference that the French are "involved in a hopelessly losing war in Indochina"

8 July 59 - Two Americans are killed and one wounded during a Viet Minh attack 20 miles north of Saigon

You really shouldn't believe the Faux 'news', Beck, Limbaugh version of history.

"And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed-if all records told the same tale-then the lie passed into history and became truth. 'Who controls the past' ran the Party slogan, 'controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.'"
- George Orwell, 1984, Book 1, Chapter 3
Nixon looks like a 'progressive' to you because your party has moved so far to the right that the middle looks like the far left. At that time, Nixon stood for everything the Republicon party believed in.

Proving you haven’t a clue what you’re talking about, I’ll inform you I DON’T HAVE A PARTY. I hate political parties in the tradition of George Washington. Political parties are nothing less than arrogant special interest collectives seeking political advantages and most usually by hook, crook and constitutional violations.

Richard Nixon was a two bit crook and paranoid authoritarian. He imposed price & wage controls, took America off of the gold standard, instigated the Watergate break in and instituted the stupid, authoritarian, violent, unconstitutional Drug War. He was a Puke-Faced Republican PROGRESSIVE in the tradition of the war-mongering idiots Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson and the moron modern day progressive/Democrats and the fucking Republican Neo-Conservatives and crony capitalist.
Yeah! Everybody should love the idea of government price and wage controls and taking America off of the gold standard and his best unconstitutional violation, the absurd violent fucking DRUG WAR The bastard wasn’t just a fucking crook, he was just another “progressive” idiot.

I'm not saying I agreed with him, I'm saying that's how he'd be percieved.