Troll Hillary Twitterstorm day 8/21/2016


New member
I am the originator of Demexit which started in 2012
Demexit's purpose has always been about destroying the left.
All exits worldwide are RT wing movements. Demexit came from Grexit. Like Brexit #DemExit is anti liberal anti illegal immigration and anti wall street.
Recent events have slanted its meaning and people have been lead to believe it started from the DNC walkout but a quick overview of twitter you can see it was actually started by right wingers. Social change started using it and hijacked its meaning after the DNC leaks claiming demexit originated from the DNC walk out. Its not true but nonetheless jumpstarted the purpose of this right wing movement which is to smash the dems.
On 8/21 Independents, green party supporters and Republicans are encouraged to use the hashtag #UnitedAgainstHillary to flood twitter with anti Hillary tweets. The purpose of this is to censor the pro Hillary content coming in by flooding it with anti Hillary content. The rules are simple. No bashing Trump, Stein or Johnson.
I hope you will all take part.
I am the originator of Demexit which started in 2012

Demexit's purpose has always been about destroying the left.

Wouldn't it make more sense pursuing an issue where you had (at least) an outside-chance of succeeding?

FiveThirtyEight suggests you're in-process o' flaming-out!!!!
Hillary Clinton has 2 billion $ from her Wall Street and foreign billionaires to defame Trump with a blitz of TV adds. Good luck!
I am all about destroying parts of the left and parts of the right. WE need radical change allowing more individual freedom and strict restrictions on the size and power of corporations.

My problem is that the Republicans are about less individual freedom and more power to the Corporations.

The Democrats are about more individual freedom, but lately and with Clinton more power to the Corporations.

The Libertarians are about more individual freedom, but more power to the Corporations.

Which leaves us with the Greens, but they are so powerless they cant do anything. If Florida seems like a done deal on Election day, I will vote for Jill Stein.
My problem is that the Republicans are about less individual freedom and more power to the Corporations.

The Democrats are about more individual freedom, but lately and with Clinton more power to the Corporations.

I'M a big fan o' Precedent.....and, policies that have PROVEN to work!!

"Conservative politicians always threaten the public that, if Congress or the President raises taxes on the wealthy, the economy will slow down, unemployment will go up, and workers' wages will go down.

Conservatives’ hidden agenda: we want to allow our wealthy supporters—the ones who benefited most from the economic policies that forced huge sacrifices onto American workers during the 1980s and 90s—to be able to keep more of their money.

Not only was the entire national deficit eliminated after raising taxes on the wealthy in 1993, but the economy grew so fast for the remainder of the decade that many conservative economists thought that the Fed should raise the prime interest rate in order to slow it down."
