Trouble in the ranks?

Bush-haters love Newsweak, or at least they do when the rag runs fake stories about US soldiers committing Q'ran desecrations that never what if some people got killed and the story was false?

As the Dan Blather (ex-See-BS Minister of Propaganda) smear attempt on Bush proves, liberals readily accept "fake but accurate" evidence when their political ends are served by lying.

But it's not See-BS that's about to feel the nutroots' wrath. It's Newsweak!

Apparently the editors didn't get the memo that criticizing Obama, the Messiah of Marxism, is racist.

Now, let's see what the fickle Dems say about Newsweak after the mag exposed the God of the Jackasses as a lobbyist-hiring hypocrite....

"When Illinois utility Commonwealth Edison wanted state lawmakers to back a hefty rate hike two years ago, it took a creative lobbying approach, concocting a new outfit that seemed devoted to the public interest: Consumers Organized for Reliable Electricity, or CORE.

CORE ran TV ads warning of a 'California-style energy crisis' if the rate increase wasn’t approved—but without disclosing the commercials were funded by Commonwealth Edison. The ad campaign provoked a brief uproar when its ties to the utility, which is owned by Exelon Corp., became known. 'It’s corporate money trying to hoodwink the public,' the state’s Democratic Lt. Gov. Pat Quinn said.

What got scant notice then—but may soon get more scrutiny—is that CORE was the brainchild of ASK Public Strategies, a consulting firm whose senior partner is David Axelrod, now chief strategist for Barack Obama.

But the activities of ASK (located in the same office as Axelrod’s political firm) illustrate the difficulties in defining exactly who a lobbyist is.

In 2004, Cablevision hired ASK to set up a group similar to CORE to block a new stadium for the New York Jets in Manhattan. Unlike Illinois, New York disclosure laws do cover such work, and ASK’s $1.1 million fee was listed as the 'largest lobbying contract' of the year in the annual report of the state’s lobbying commission.

ASK last year proposed a similar 'political campaign style approach' to help Illinois hospitals block a state proposal that would have forced them to provide more medical care to the indigent. One part of its plan: create a 'grassroots' group of medical experts 'capable of contacting policymakers to advocate for our position,' according to a copy of the proposal. (ASK didn’t get the contract.)"

Remember how they turned on Cindy Sheehan when she called them on their broken '06 campaign promises?
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Newsweak is liberal ?
Read the entire post. He is playing on a theme. We all know they aren't liberal but he is pointing out how great the left thought it was when they were publishing stories like the Koran desecration story that turned out to be a fabrication.
I read the whole post.
the part about NewsWeak being left wing was the only part that I did not understand.
I read the whole post.
the part about NewsWeak being left wing was the only part that I did not understand.
Ah, I actually had to read it twice myself to figure out where he was going with it.

He's talking about how the left was all too willing to quote a source they otherwise reject when they thought it was supporting what they want it to.