Trouble in wingnut land


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How many times is McMaverick going to lie, before tweety and the rest of the media pundits drop the "straight talk express" nonsense?

NY Times, Washington Post Confirm Arianna's Story That McCain Did Not Vote For Bush

On Monday, Arianna reported that John McCain told her he had not voted for George W. Bush in 2000. Today, both The New York Times AND The Washington Post published articles with sources confirming John McCain had indeed told Arianna and others at an event that he did not vote for Bush in 2000.

From The New York Times:

Did Senator John McCain not vote for George W. Bush in 2000?
That question has kicked up a minor ruckus in political circles this week as Arianna Huffington and the McCain campaign have traded he-said, she-said barbs...

Now two other guests at the same dinner, given by the actress Candice Bergen, at her home in Beverly Hills, say they heard much the same thing as Ms. Huffington. Both of them, the former "West Wing" actors Bradley Whitford and Richard Schiff, were asked by Ms. Huffington to speak to The New York Times. Mr. Whitford said he would be supporting the Democratic nominee and had donated to Senators Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama; Mr. Schiff is supporting Mr. Obama.

From The Washington Post:

In separate phone interviews, Bradley Whitford and Richard Schiff -- both of whom starred in the television political drama "The West Wing" -- said the senator made the remarks after he spoke at length about his reservations about Bush becoming president. Liberal blogger Arianna Huffington first wrote about the incident Monday, asserting neither McCain nor his wife Cindy backed Bush in his first presidential bid, and the Los Angeles Times reported Wednesday that a woman who was also at the dinner confirmed Huffington's account, though she declined to give her name. ...

"He was going on and on about how horribly unqualified and untested Bush was, how the campaign had attacked his family," said Whitford, a registered Democrat. "Someone said, 'If he's so terrible, why did you support him?'"

McCain replied that as a member of the GOP, Whitford added, he always intended to back the party's nominee. Then, the actor said, someone asked McCain whether he had cast a vote in favor of Bush.

"He put his finger up to his lips, shook his head and mouthed, 'No way,'" Whitford said.
McCain should embrace that, not deny it. The GOP base is going to vote for him no matter what he did, even if he voted for Nader. Independents would love him for it.

Not voting for Bush is a badge of honor.
"Someone said, 'If he's so terrible, why did you support him?'"

Note: This was in the year 2001, before the "I HAD to vote for Bush to stop Gore and Kerry socialism" talking points were developed.
I'm suprised this is still a story. Lots of people didn't vote for Bush. I wouldn't have voted for him either after what he did to him. Lorax is right, he should embrace it.
I'm suprised this is still a story. Lots of people didn't vote for Bush. I wouldn't have voted for him either after what he did to him. Lorax is right, he should embrace it.

I know if I were McCain I would not have voted for Bush either. I wouldn't have voted for Gore, but I wouldn't have voted for Bush. There'd be whole groups of people sitting around my ballot looking for dents if I lived in Florida....
yeah he should embarce that he did not vote for Bush but now embraces all his policies.

That will get him far.
I don't know, man - he's a pretty old dude. You remember what happened with all of those oldies down in Palm Beach in 2000 w/ the butterfly ballot....

In all fairness, it was only the aged Democrats that had the problem with the ballot in Florida. McCain is a Republican and there were no Republicans that had trouble with the ballot. This does not prove anything, it is just a statistic worth noting.