True To Form; Trumpy Goin' Full-Blown Kristallnacht!!

August 17, 2016 - "The Trump campaign’s relationship with the mainstream media is likely to get worse.

Despite assurances from Donald Trump’s running mate, Mike Pence, that they were going to reassess the campaign's blacklist of reporters, the official hiring of Breitbart Chairman Stephen K. Bannon as CEO of the Trump campaign is a sign that the campaign is unlikely to change its combative way with the media.

"If you thought that the relationship with Trump and the media was combative before this, pull any headline Breitbart has ever written about the media and you’ll get an idea of what tone and tenor you can likely expect from a Steve Banno–led campaign,” said Kurt Bardella, a former spokesperson for Breitbart who ended his relationship with the site earlier this spring."

August 17, 2016 - "Clinton, a former secretary of state who has called Trump temperamentally unsuited for the White House, said staff shake-ups do nothing to change the candidate and his rhetoric.

"Donald Trump has shown us who he is, he can hire and fire anybody he wants from his campaign, they can make him read new words from a teleprompter, but he is still the same man who insults Gold Star families, demeans women, mocks people with disabilities and thinks he knows more about ISIS than our generals," she told a rally in Ohio."

April 18, 2016 - "On Wednesday, Donald Trump’s campaign announced Breitbart News chairman Stephen Bannon as its new CEO — shocking no one in the conservative world.

Conservatives joked openly for months about “Trumpbart” and the transformation of into, essentially,, but it was still something of a surprise that Trump would so publicly embrace Bannon, a man who helped transform a mainstream conservative website into a cesspool of the alt-right. It also comes as a surprise — or at least it should — that the Republican National Committee appears ready to go right along with the Bannon-Breitbart-Trump takeover over the party, even as the Trump campaign’s latest move means RNC Chairman Reince Priebus now sits, effectively, side by side with alt-right Trump fans.

The takeover, now a virtual fait accompli, represents the dangerous seizure of the conservative movement by the alt-right.

Constitutional conservatives can’t stand the alt-right. Conservatives — real conservatives — believe that only a philosophy of limited government, God-given rights and personal responsibility can save the country. And that creed is not bound to race or ethnicity.

Broad swaths of the alt-right, by contrast, believe in a creed-free, race-based nationalism, insisting, among other things, that birth on American soil confers superiority. The alt-right sees limited-government constitutionalism as passé; it holds that only nationalist populism on the basis of shared tribal identity can save the country. It’s a movement shot through with racism and anti-Semitism."

Gracchus: Fear and wonder, a powerful combination.

Falco: You really think people are going to be seduced by that?

Gracchus: I think he knows what Rome is. Rome is the mob. Conjure magic for them and they'll be distracted. Take away their freedom and still they'll roar. The beating heart of Rome is not the marble of the senate, it's the sand of the coliseum. He'll bring them death - and they will love him for it."

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Just the direction his campaign & those looking for an excuse to (admit) vote for him were looking for

don't be silly.....this is precisely what liberals are looking for in creating new lying memes.......remember, you're the one who said no one wants policy........

"Donald Trump has shown us who he is, he can hire and fire anybody he wants from his campaign, they can make him read new words from a teleprompter, but he is still the same man who insults Gold Star families,

Surely you can tell us why the "gold star" father didn't publicly ask Hillary if she ever read the Constitution, right?
Did you watch that clip, post #13?? Any thoughts??

nope.....not my problem if they aren't smart enough to explain to liberals why liberals have shit for brains.....

okay I had time and went back to listen.....I was impressed.....the only brainless idiot on the video was this guy in a blue shirt wearing way did you notice that this was a purple strategies episode.......that means the focus group was made up of cross-overs.....Democrat supporters of Trump.......
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Surely you can tell us why the "gold star" father didn't publicly ask Hillary if she ever read the Constitution, right?

There are millions of questions he could have asked her, will you be listing them all Professor??