Trump Admits Republicans Don’t Even Know What ‘Woke’ Means

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
During a Thursday campaign event in Iowa, former President Donald Trump admitted what we all know: Republicans have no idea what “woke” actually means.

“I don’t like the term ‘woke,'” Trump said while answering questions from the audience, “because I hear the term ‘woke woke woke’ — it’s just a term they use, half the people can’t define it, they don’t know what it is.”

“It is so crazy — and that is all woke,” Trump said. “I guess they define that as woke, but that’s all woke.”

For right-wing politicians and pundits, the term “woke” has become an amorphous shorthand for anything deemed too progressive, too inclusive, or too considerate of minorities. It’s intentionally ambiguous because a lack of clarity gives them the freedom to slap the label on literally whatever they want.

Need an example? Earlier this week conservatives urged a boycott against Chick-fil-A, a long-time corporate darling of conservatives who’ve celebrated the fast food chain’s Christian values, for the “woke” crime of having a diversity and inclusion policy.

Trump’s statement, however, is likely a direct response to the anti-”woke” hysteria of his chief 2024 primary opponent Ron DeSantis. The Florida governor has made vanquishing the “woke mind virus” a central tenant of not only his governance of the Sunshine State but of his candidacy for the presidency.
I hear the term ‘woke woke woke’ — it’s just a term they use, half the people can’t define it, they don’t know what it is.”
Trump's right. The MAGAs on this forum can't concoct a consistent and coherent definition. All they really know is that rightwing media personalities ordered them to start parroting it starting about 12 months ago.
WOKE is the Republicans new "N" word replacement!

It is a catch phrase now for everything they hate.

If they hate you- they just call you WOKE now.

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During a Thursday campaign event in Iowa, former President Donald Trump admitted what we all know: Republicans have no idea what “woke” actually means.

“I don’t like the term ‘woke,'” Trump said while answering questions from the audience, “because I hear the term ‘woke woke woke’ — it’s just a term they use, half the people can’t define it, they don’t know what it is.”

“It is so crazy — and that is all woke,” Trump said. “I guess they define that as woke, but that’s all woke.”

For right-wing politicians and pundits, the term “woke” has become an amorphous shorthand for anything deemed too progressive, too inclusive, or too considerate of minorities. It’s intentionally ambiguous because a lack of clarity gives them the freedom to slap the label on literally whatever they want.

Need an example? Earlier this week conservatives urged a boycott against Chick-fil-A, a long-time corporate darling of conservatives who’ve celebrated the fast food chain’s Christian values, for the “woke” crime of having a diversity and inclusion policy.

Trump’s statement, however, is likely a direct response to the anti-”woke” hysteria of his chief 2024 primary opponent Ron DeSantis. The Florida governor has made vanquishing the “woke mind virus” a central tenant of not only his governance of the Sunshine State but of his candidacy for the presidency.

Oh look, the Hamas terrorist is lying again.

Woke: From urban vernacular - pidgin English for "awakened," with the term I be Woke, or I is Woke. Initially used in the mid-Obama era to reference those who are no longer "fooled" by societal norms and reject American culture becoming aware that society is not as presented.

This quickly devolved into a statement of fealty to Marxist social warfare. Particularly in regard to BLM and Transsexualism. A major part of the Woke Anti-Culture movement is anti-white racism. The 1619 project and various anti-white initiatives fit into the Woke paradigm. Much of the Woke ideology follows traditional Leninism in focusing on grooming children to break familial bonds to create stronger loyalty directly to the party. In the end, "Woke" is rebranding of socialist revolutionary philosophy, particularly Maoism.
Oh look, the Hamas terrorist is lying again.

Woke: From urban vernacular - pidgin English for "awakened," with the term I be Woke, or I is Woke. Initially used in the mid-Obama era to reference those who are no longer "fooled" by societal norms and reject American culture becoming aware that society is not as presented.

This quickly devolved into a statement of fealty to Marxist social warfare. Particularly in regard to BLM and Transsexualism. A major part of the Woke Anti-Culture movement is anti-white racism. The 1619 project and various anti-white initiatives fit into the Woke paradigm. Much of the Woke ideology follows traditional Leninism in focusing on grooming children to break familial bonds to create stronger loyalty directly to the party. In the end, "Woke" is rebranding of socialist revolutionary philosophy, particularly Maoism.


Trump surprises crowd by mocking people who say ‘woke’ – including his own son who runs businesses off it

Donald Trump surprised a crowd in Iowa by mocking people obsessed with using the Republican buzzword “woke”, insisting that most people cannot even define what it means.

The former president has himself regularly used the phrase to attack opponents, and just last month his eldest son, Donald Trump Jr, announced the launch of a “non-woke men’s lifestyle magazine.”