Trump as Nelson Mandella?


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Trump enjoys comparing his self inflicted wounds and prosecutions due to his criminal actions, to key black activists, like Mandala and MLKJr who were prosecuted or attacked for who they were and fighting for equal rights for their people.

These things are not comparable and, if anything Trump is more comparable to leaders such as Putin or Orban, who due to their power and status are allowed to abuse the system and get away with crimes as they dismantle the States law and order apparatus.

Agree or disagree?



And i think this is one thing we all can come together on. Magats, Trump himself and all those opposed to Trump, would be glad to see him go to jail to become a claimed "Modern day Madela".

Why do Europe’s strongmen love Trump?
For Viktor Orbán, Vladimir Putin, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Ilham Aliyev, and others, a second Trump term provides strategic openings and a dismantling of a liberal order that troubles their ties with the West.
Trump enjoys comparing his self inflicted wounds and prosecutions due to his criminal actions, to key black activists, like Mandala and MLKJr who were prosecuted or attacked for who they were and fighting for equal rights for their people.

These things are not comparable and, if anything Trump is more comparable to leaders such as Putin or Orban, who due to their power and status are allowed to abuse the system and get away with crimes as they dismantle the States law and order apparatus.

Agree or disagree?



And i think this is one thing we all can come together on. Magats, Trump himself and all those opposed to Trump, would be glad to see him go to jail to become a claimed "Modern day Madela".

So we're supposed to believe that if you leftists could get away with doing to trump what was done to Mandela, you wouldn't do it? You must really think people are as stupid as leftists.
Humorous, Jesus Christ one week, Nelson Mandela the next, and the MAGA cult will argue Trump isn’t narcissistic
Trump enjoys comparing his self inflicted wounds and prosecutions due to his criminal actions, to key black activists, like Mandala and MLKJr who were prosecuted or attacked for who they were and fighting for equal rights for their people.

These things are not comparable and, if anything Trump is more comparable to leaders such as Putin or Orban, who due to their power and status are allowed to abuse the system and get away with crimes as they dismantle the States law and order apparatus.

Agree or disagree?


And i think this is one thing we all can come together on. Magats, Trump himself and all those opposed to Trump, would be glad to see him go to jail to become a claimed "Modern day Madela".

So we're supposed to believe that if you leftists could get away with doing to trump what was done to Mandela, you wouldn't do it? You must really think people are as stupid as leftists.

You mean what Jim Jordan and COmer are doing to Biden by weaponizing the gov't to accuse Bidens of crimes they have zero proof of, in what is the definition of a witch hunt?

Is that what you mean? What they did and ADMITTED TO with Benghazi and Hilary?

No, the Dems do not engage in those and have never done so.
Poor guilty as sin Joe. . What was that story he told about getting arrested on the way to see Mandela?:laugh: That man is nothing but lies and stories for every occasion ..
You mean what Jim Jordan and COmer are doing to Biden by weaponizing the gov't to accuse Bidens of crimes they have zero proof of, in what is the definition of a witch hunt?

Is that what you mean? What they did and ADMITTED TO with Benghazi and Hilary?

No, the Dems do not engage in those and have never done so.

As I said you think everyone is as stupid as you.
Yes LyingFish you have the most extreme form of TDS which is the one that makes a person cry whenever something Trump says in an election year run up, that is negative to him, is posted.

QPeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, derp, derp, derp,

Nice try but TDS was patented by your ilk but I do love it when you asshats try to turn things around. Is shows your lack of intelligence.

QPeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, derp, derp, derp,

Nice try but TDS was patented by your ilk but I do love it when you asshats try to turn things around. Is shows your lack of intelligence.

Nice try but this definition fits Magats and you more than most of them.

Trump Derangement Syndrome

A diagnosable medical condition in which the afflicted blindly follows Donald Trump, a.k.a. "The Chosen One." The afflicted is incapable of free thought, unable to critically evaluate the actions or any criticism of "Dear Leader," or otherwise accurately perceive the world around them. The mindless adoration of President Trump is so intense as to impairs the person’s judgment. Additional symptoms include blind hatred of those who preach tolerance and deference to verifiable facts, as opposed to whatever "Dear Leader" or His surrogates tell them to believe.
Many people in conservative echo chambers have an incorrect impression of Trump Derangement Syndrome, while suffering from it themselves

Trump Derangement Syndrome
A talking point intended to dismiss the majority of Americans, who understand that Donald Trump is unfit to manage a McDonald's, as crazy. Generally unsuccessful, as supporting Donald Trump makes it clear that you are batshit stupid.
The high school dropout, who won't watch anything but Fox "News," has Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Trump Derangement Syndrome
A disease Trump supporters have which causes them to believe his tens of thousands of lies, accept multiple unsupported conspiracy theories, excuse all his offenses and crimes, promote that he's a good man who has learned from his mistakes, and vote against their own interests.
John: It's amazing how Trump supporters ignore all his lies and forgive all his crimes.

Trump enjoys comparing his self inflicted wounds and prosecutions due to his criminal actions, to key black activists, like Mandala and MLKJr who were prosecuted or attacked for who they were and fighting for equal rights for their people.

These things are not comparable and, if anything Trump is more comparable to leaders such as Putin or Orban, who due to their power and status are allowed to abuse the system and get away with crimes as they dismantle the States law and order apparatus.

Agree or disagree?



And i think this is one thing we all can come together on. Magats, Trump himself and all those opposed to Trump, would be glad to see him go to jail to become a claimed "Modern day Madela".

Dear QPI,

A rare error of Judgement from President Trump. He should not have drawn any parallels between himself and Nelson Mandela, whatsoever. Mandela was a communist (Marxist) and convicted terrorist murderer. Trump is a traditional conservative and not, of course, sympathetic to any form of armed terrorism. Mandela was given training by the communist regime's military/paramilitary in the Soviet Union, as well as many caches of Soviet arms (in particular, explosive weapons) with which to launch his cowardly attacks against civilians in SA. His wife, Winnie Mandela, was a primitive Black savage, who is infamous for stating that the method of execution, whereby a rubber car tyre is hung around a shackled victim's neck, filled with gasoline and then set alight was her favourite form of ANC murder (i.e. the one she found most "entertaining"). From the day Nelson Mandela became President of the new, "Rainbow Coalition", "liberal", "Democratic" Republic of South Africa, the nation was placed upon a sharp, downward trajectory. Today, in 2024, SA is a "whisker" away from being declared a "failed state." And the Western Press are afraid to report the fact that recent polls in SA have shown that a SUBSTANTIAL proportion of the nation's poor, Black population believe that they BETTER OFF UNDER APARTHEID THAN THEY ARE NOW Why? That's easy. It is impossible maintain a liberal, democratic state when the average IQ of the electorate is below 90 point. In SA 80.2% of the population are Black (Negro) and the average IQ of this majority Black/Negro cohort is 68 points. DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I AM TELLING YOU, QPI ? The facts are not in dispute; it's just that thanks to leftist morons like yourself, it is taboo to openly and honestly discuss them[/B]. You are a part of the liberal/progressive political assault that has done such astonishing and "mindless" amount damage to the lives of decent native (White) Americans and their country's: core institutions; traditions, customs; belief, values; former moral precepts and so on. Why? It's because you are a moron, QPI; and you are so stupid/deluded you will never acquire the insight to recognise that. IMHO, people like you should be rounded up by the next US Conservative government and sterilised. America has practiced eugenics before (in the 1920's and 1930's) on a broad scale, and I certainly have objection to properly diagnosed mental retards being rendered incapable of reproducing themselves.

MLK Jr was another subversive, communist rabble-rouser, who was handled by a former CPUSA chief during the first half of the 1960s. The FBI had wire-tapped MLK "1000 times", and they knew the score. J. E. Hoover was right up king's ass for years. In any case the Civil Right's movement and legislation (of 1964) proved to be a total, fucking failure. I don't have time to spoonfeed you all the relevant details, but if you are at all interested in the truth, you can pull your left thumb out of your bottom, and do a little research on on the internet.

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
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Trump enjoys comparing his self inflicted wounds and prosecutions due to his criminal actions, to key black activists, like Mandala and MLKJr who were prosecuted or attacked for who they were and fighting for equal rights for their people.

These things are not comparable and, if anything Trump is more comparable to leaders such as Putin or Orban, who due to their power and status are allowed to abuse the system and get away with crimes as they dismantle the States law and order apparatus.

Agree or disagree?



And i think this is one thing we all can come together on. Magats, Trump himself and all those opposed to Trump, would be glad to see him go to jail to become a claimed "Modern day Madela".

trump suffers from delusions of grandeur. Didn't he also compare himself to Jesus?