Trump Does A Schwarzenegger


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President Trump started suiting up if this report is true:

Axios reports Monday that former Vice President Joe Biden’s inner circle is already discussing a list of Cabinet picks. Many of the names would return from the Obama administration, constituting an effective “third term.”

Axios says that former Secretary of State John Kerry could return in that role, or be appointed to a new Cabinet-level climate change position.

Former National Security Advisor Susan Rice — who was never nominated for Secretary of State because of fears she would not survive confirmation after misleading the nation about the Benghazi attacks — could find her way to that position in a potential Biden administration, Axios claims.

There would also be room in the Biden Cabinet for some of his former 2020 rivals, including former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, who could be UN ambassador, or U.S. trade representative.

Several are also currently under consideration, Axios reports, to be Biden’s running mate, including Sens. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and Kamala Harris (D-CA). The final choice may be up to Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC), who delivered the key endorsement that helped Biden win South Carolina and change the direction of the entire Democratic primary.

The change in momentum has been swift: Breitbart News noted just three weeks ago, in the spin room after the Democrat debate in Nevada, that reporters were asking aides to Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) about his Cabinet.

Report: Joe Biden Already Choosing Cabinet Picks; Kerry, Rice Return
by Joel B. Pollak
9 Mar 2020

As soon as I read Pollak’s report I envisioned President Trump doing a Schwarzenegger on Biden and his U.N.-loving traitors:

Major General Franklin Kirby: Leave anything for us?

President Trump: Just bodies.
