Trump double downs on his helicopter lie


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“Trump hits NYT while doubling down on near-crash helicopter story”

“Former President Trump went after The New York Times Friday night, defending his claim that former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown once traveled with him in a helicopterthat nearly crashed.”

“Two Failing New York Times ‘reporters’ questioned my story about a forced landing of a helicopter, in a field, with former Mayor of San Francisco, Willie Brown, and others,” Trump said in a post on Truth Social. “It was Willie Brown, not former Governor Jerry Brown. So far they are about as accurate as they are with their other stories about me.”

First off, Brown denies the claim, secondly, now a person actually in the helicopter denies Trump’s claim Brown was there (, and, the NYT earned a 13.6% profit last year (, pretty good for a “falling” enterprise

Obvious the truth matters little to Trump, he says anything and defends it as valid, exact reason the attempted press conference was a shit show
“Trump hits NYT while doubling down on near-crash helicopter story”

“Former President Trump went after The New York Times Friday night, defending his claim that former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown once traveled with him in a helicopterthat nearly crashed.”

“Two Failing New York Times ‘reporters’ questioned my story about a forced landing of a helicopter, in a field, with former Mayor of San Francisco, Willie Brown, and others,” Trump said in a post on Truth Social. “It was Willie Brown, not former Governor Jerry Brown. So far they are about as accurate as they are with their other stories about me.”

First off, Brown denies the claim, secondly, now a person actually in the helicopter denies Trump’s claim Brown was there (, and, the NYT earned a 13.6% profit last year (, pretty good for a “falling” enterprise

Obvious the truth matters little to Trump, he says anything and defends it as valid, exact reason the attempted press conference was a shit show
As we've seen with several of our MAGATy friends here -- like pEarl, Toxic, TDAK -- Trump seems to think that repeating a lie often will make ppl believe it. Integrity is not a virtue in the Trump cult.
Well now we can be sure that Willy Brown is more than willing to lie to hurt Trump......and Regime Media lies constantly.....

I have moved my outrage meter from 1/10 to 0/10.
Do not forget that the Tech Overlords now rewrite history on the fly Soviet Style....if Trump is right then there would have been evidence of it on the internet a week ago, and it would be likely disappeared today.
The Mind Molders at Regime Media do it too.....changing their propaganda product often long after it was created as needed to drive their narratives of the current day....this is called stealth editing.
Well now we can be sure that Willy Brown is more than willing to lie to hurt Trump......and Regime Media lies constantly.....

I have moved my outrage meter from 1/10 to 0/10.
Trump says he has flight records to prove his claim, why not release them?
Do not forget that the Tech Overlords now rewrite history on the fly Soviet Style....if Trump is right then there would have been evidence of it on the internet a week ago, and it would be likely disappeared today.
So you think "Tech Overlords" are able to remove all evidence of something from everywhere in the world? Something that on the face of it makes no sense?
The Mind Molders at Regime Media do it too.....changing their propaganda product often long after it was created as needed to drive their narratives of the current day....this is called stealth editing.
This is trump's narrative, and it is a lie.