Trump fantasized about sex with his daughter


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Former President Donald Trump made sexual comments about his daughter Ivanka that were so lewd he was rebuked by his Chief of Staff, former Trump official Miles Taylor writes in a new book.

The comments are used by Taylor to highlight almost daily instances of sexism in the Trump White House that were so bad one senior female official told the writer, “This is not a healthy workplace for women.”

"Aides said he talked about Ivanka Trump's breasts, her backside, and what it might be like to have sex with her, remarks that once led (former Chief of Staff) John Kelly to remind the president that Ivanka was his daughter," Taylor writes.

"Afterward, Kelly retold that story to me in visible disgust. Trump, he said, was 'a very, very evil man.
Unlike Biden, who actually HAD SEX with his underage daughter?
There still are quite a few female leaders from the Trump administration who have held their tongues about the unequal treatment they faced in the administration at best, and the absolute naked sexism they experienced with the hands of Donald Trump at worst."

He said “undisguised sexism” was aimed at everybody from lowly staff members to cabinet secretaries.

He remembered Kirstjen Nielsen, Trump’s former secretary of homeland security, being called “sweetie” and “honey” and having her makeup critiqued by the president.
I personally don't believe that either Trump or Biden is a daughter-diddler.
They've each got enough problems already.
Former President Donald Trump made sexual comments about his daughter Ivanka that were so lewd he was rebuked by his Chief of Staff, former Trump official Miles Taylor writes in a new book.

The comments are used by Taylor to highlight almost daily instances of sexism in the Trump White House that were so bad one senior female official told the writer, “This is not a healthy workplace for women.”

"Aides said he talked about Ivanka Trump's breasts, her backside, and what it might be like to have sex with her, remarks that once led (former Chief of Staff) John Kelly to remind the president that Ivanka was his daughter," Taylor writes.

"Afterward, Kelly retold that story to me in visible disgust. Trump, he said, was 'a very, very evil man.

Trump is a sick fuck.
Former President Donald Trump made sexual comments about his daughter Ivanka that were so lewd he was rebuked by his Chief of Staff, former Trump official Miles Taylor writes in a new book.

The comments are used by Taylor to highlight almost daily instances of sexism in the Trump White House that were so bad one senior female official told the writer, “This is not a healthy workplace for women.”

"Aides said he talked about Ivanka Trump's breasts, her backside, and what it might be like to have sex with her, remarks that once led (former Chief of Staff) John Kelly to remind the president that Ivanka was his daughter," Taylor writes.

"Afterward, Kelly retold that story to me in visible disgust. Trump, he said, was 'a very, very evil man.

You sound jealous
You sound jealous

You are using the wrong reply. There is nothing to be jealous about as anyone can ALSO fantasize about sex with Ivanka or anyone else, if that is there thing. So unless you are suggesting Trump got to act on it, then there is zero to be jealous about.

This, which i wrote on the other prior thread on this is the response you are supposed to be using...

WHATABOUT Joe Biden's hand coming close to Eva Longoria's breast as she pulled back out of a hug with him?

We cannot have a perv like Biden in the WH!!!
How do you know he just fantasized? He paid for her extensive plastic surgery, which she took to like an alcoholic to booze. He told Stormy he went after her because she reminded him of her daughter.
You are using the wrong reply. There is nothing to be jealous about as anyone can ALSO fantasize about sex with Ivanka or anyone else, if that is there thing. So unless you are suggesting Trump got to act on it, then there is zero to be jealous about.

This, which i wrote on the other prior thread on this is the response you are supposed to be using...

Preach it Herr Himmler!

{In the diary, the president’s daughter wrote that “showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate)” might have played a role in her sex addiction as an adult, as well as being “hyper-sexualized [at] a young age”}

{Considering “dad” is President Joe Biden, the chief executive and leader of the party which has made drag queens and classroom discussions on sexuality a political rallying point, this is rather significant.}

Ashley Biden's Leaked Diary Detailing Vulgar Acts with Joe Has FL Woman in Trouble (

Remember how you Nazis lied that the Diary was fake, then the Gestapo ARRESTED the investigative reporter who uncovered it? That's just the way you banana republic thugs roll.... You shit on the first amendment like you shit on the rest of the Bill of Rights.
How do you know he just fantasized? He paid for her extensive plastic surgery, which she took to like an alcoholic to booze. He told Stormy he went after her because she reminded him of her daughter.

Sure he did - and I should totally believe you, since you're a pathological liar...