Trump gets a SIX-POINT bump in approval after being found guilty


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Donald Trump gets a SIX-POINT bump in approval after being found guilty on 34 counts according

I predict it will be a 10 point rise

Americans of almost all political stripes (except the Commie D’s believe in due process and equal protection of the law, and do NOT support false, fabricated bullshit charges whether in court or phony impeachment proceedings

people can see just how dangerous America’s been made to be by the DNC political machine operatives
Donald Trump gets a SIX-POINT bump in approval after being found guilty on 34 counts according

I predict it will be a 10 point rise

Americans of almost all political stripes (except the Commie D’s believe in due process and equal protection of the law, and do NOT support false, fabricated bullshit charges whether in court or phony impeachment proceedings

people can see just how dangerous America’s been made to be by the DNC political machine operatives
Oh, a far-right Trump suckup makes a prediction. Alert the media. If Trump actually gets a bump from being proven a felon then as usual the problem is you idiot Trumpys. Would Biden want Trump tried if that might happen? Nope. That shows again that Biden had nothing to do with it. The facts and logic will elude you as usual.
From the article:
"JL Partners used a panel of 403 likely voters to asses the impact of guilty verdict."

That's not a scientific poll and doesn't use statistically valid methods to obtain a representative sample.

An "panel of 403 people" gives you arbitrary results.