Trump is a pragmatist, too


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So far in the 2016 presidential race, Hillary Clinton has positioned herself as a pragmatist, what Michael Tomasky in the Daily Beast calls “a fix-the-problem type” of politician. This is probably a smart move, as it allows her to distinguish herself from Bernie Sanders’s idealism during the primaries, while also setting her up to face off against the erratic force that is Donald Trump.

As the candidates steer toward the general election, however, perhaps it’s time to reconsider whether she’s the only pragmatist in the race. Is Trump’s lack of an ideological core so different from the pragmatism that is often admired in other politicians?

Pragmatism is, simply put, the eschewing of broad systems or ideologies in favor of a more down-to-earth approach to solving problems. According to Louis Menand, philosophers such as John Dewey and William James believed that “ideas are provisional responses to particular and unreproducible circumstances” and “should never become ideologies.”

In the political sense, pragmatists reject the traditional left/right binary, which they may derisively view as dogma. They are willing to sample widely from the smorgasbord of political ideas to find the best solution to a pressing problem. They care little about ideological purity or abstract principles and pride themselves on their independence, on being above what they consider clichéd and predictable perspectives.

This context helps make sense of Trump’s foreign policy speech last month, in which he emphasized common sense rather than overarching or abstract principles.
Surveying recent history, he concluded that “logic was replaced with foolishness and arrogance, which led to one foreign policy disaster after another.” He promoted “a new, rational American foreign policy, informed by the best minds and supported by both parties, as well as our close allies.” He promised to “look for talented experts with new approaches and practical ideas,” and vowed to end the policy of “trying to spread universal values that not everyone shares.”
Washington Post columnist Marc Thiessen gave the rebuttal for the #NeverTrump movement: “On the center right, there are plenty of philosophies — realism, conservative internationalism and isolationism — to choose from. So which does Trump subscribe to? None and all, depending on the day he is speaking.”

This is a fair criticism that happens to describe pragmatism to the core. Trump rejects predictable and set conservative ideas. His foreign policy would have no consistent “isms” but pragmatism, because, as he has said elsewhere, “you have to have flexibility. You have to change. You know, you may say one thing, and then the following year you want to change it because circumstances are different.”

Compare Trump’s foreign policy remarks to those of President Obama, who in Jeffrey Goldberg’s profile in April’s Atlantic describes himself as an internationalist, an idealist and a realist. His perspective is so difficult to categorize that Goldberg settles on the oxymoron “Hobbesian optimist,” and then quickly promises that “the contradictions do not end there.” The president is prudent, yes, but also restless and risky — a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma!

To many of his supporters, Obama’s pragmatism is one of his greatest virtues. Andrew Sullivan has argued that Obama “was elected as a pragmatic, unifying reformist,” called the president a “decent, pragmatic man,” and praised his early “ambition to transcend the old politics in favor of pragmatic reform” and his “pragmatic response” to the Islamic State. In 2008, Cass Sunstein explained that apparent flip-flops by Obama — on the death penalty, guns, NAFTA — were actually proof of his “pragmatic nature,” and that “Obama’s form of pragmatism is heavily empirical; he wants to know what will work.”

The president helped foster this perception. In his first inaugural address, he announced that “the stale political arguments that have consumed us for so long no longer apply. The question we ask today is not whether our government is too big or too small, but whether it works.” That attitude was also evident in March, when he told a group of students in Argentina that what he called the “sharp division between left and right, between capitalist and communist or socialist,” is irrelevant: “I mean, those are interesting intellectual arguments, but I think for your generation, you should be practical and just choose from what works. You don’t have to worry about whether it neatly fits into socialist theory or capitalist theory — you should just decide what works.”

“Whatever works” is the unofficial slogan of pragmatists. It also sounds a lot like Trump, who has promised to fix everything from health care to trade with China by making “great deals for this country.”

Even Trump’s most controversial positions are arguably pragmatic insofar as they offer straightforward solutions that defy orthodoxy. The proposed ban on Muslim immigrants may be antithetical to the abstract principle of religious freedom, but hey, whatever keeps us safe from terrorists. The wall that Mexico will build? It doesn’t seem possible — but sparing American taxpayers the costs certainly skirts a budgetary issue.

Whether Trump’s policies would actually solve our problems (count me as a skeptic) isn’t really relevant to his status as a pragmatist. Ultimately what sets pragmatists apart from traditional conservatives or liberals is not their faith in the effectiveness of their ideas, it’s their originality — the whatever, not the works. Intellectual independence is a better standard on which to evaluate claims to pragmatism. When national security adviser Susan E. Rice calls the Iran nuclear deal “pragmatic and minimalist,” she shouldn’t be doubted because the deal may not be effective; she should be doubted because the deal is in keeping with conventional liberal goals and methods.

A few Trump supporters have already ventured to make the claim that he’s a practicing pragmatist. The businessman and investor Carl Icahn told CNBC that “Donald is a pragmatist. He’s going to do what’s needed for this economy.” Similarly, hedge fund manager Anthony Scaramucci wrote in the Wall Street Journal: “What elitists misinterpret as uneven principles, entrepreneurs understand as adaptability. . . . Mr. Trump would be the greatest pragmatist and deal maker Washington has ever seen.”

One challenge to getting people to accept this characterization is that we tend to conflate pragmatism with moderate temperament and tactics.

Clinton invokes the term to mean finding solutions based on her knowledge of, and her experience in, the political establishment. Trump, meanwhile, wants to tear down the establishment. In fact, because pragmatism implies impatience and frustration with the usual ways of doing business, it can involve breaking a system rather than working within it. This is a point Chris Hayes recognized several years ago, when he observed in the Nation that “pragmatism requires an openness to the possibility of radical solutions.”

Obama, too, realizes that pragmatism doesn’t need to involve compromise. Perhaps the peak (or nadir) of the president’s pragmatism is his 2014 vow that he wouldn’t wait “for legislation in order to make sure that we’re providing Americans the kind of help that they need. I’ve got a pen, and I’ve got a phone.” The separation of powers is dusty dogma — git r done!

Obama’s pragmatism is part and parcel of his legendary cool. And he surrounds himself with people like Clinton who exhibit similar levels of detachment. Goldberg writes that “Obama has always had a fondness for pragmatic, emotionally contained technocrats.”

Yet there’s nothing in the Pragmatist’s Playbook that forbids mocking a rival’s face, height, footwear, eating habits, energy level or spouse, or even encouraging supporters to physically assault protesters. And although it’s certainly reprehensible to promote absurd conspiracy theories — like Trump’s suggestion that my father, Justice Antonin Scalia, was assassinated — it’s not necessarily unpragmatic.

So Trump could stake a legitimate claim on pragmatism and undermine the distinction Clinton is trying to make.

Of course, that wouldn’t inevitably bolster his trustworthiness. Although people may accept Clinton as a pragmatist, they overwhelmingly tell pollsters that she lacks honesty and would “say anything to get elected.” Voters understand that “whatever works” can easily slide into “the ends justify the means.”

Nonetheless, the word’s generally positive connotations could very well lend Trump that always-coveted air of gravitas, gilding his unpredictable and inconsistent ideas with a semblance of respectability and intellectual seriousness.

Heaven knows that in this campaign, stranger things have happened.
Trump is a mesmerizer. I think he will mesmerize this country. We will eventually regret it. Oh well, live and learn.
someone once asked me if trump was inclusive of other ideas. I said that Trump is the most inclusive one in the race. A sanders would only consider liberal solutions while a cruz would only consider conservative ones. Trump will take them from wherever they come from as long as it works.
I don't know if being a slippery little snake is pragmatic, but his a colossal douchebag.

:) are you upset because he called you low energy?

btw the person you want to be your next president calls him dangerous donald not douchebag donald. Get with the program:)
:) are you upset because he called you low energy?

btw the person you want to be your next president calls him dangerous donald not douchebag donald. Get with the program:)

Fuck that, I was #NeverJeb as well. I'm glad Douchebag Donald torpedoed him with the Low-Energy tag right out the gate. The person I want to be the next president hasn't issued any nicknames yet to my knowledge.
I just want to go on the record to every Trumptard that says I'm pro-Hillary that I am pro-suicide. Please kill yourselves and Make America Great Again. You know who you are, PIMP and Tsuke...

This should be patently obvious, given that I literally have my 2016 GOP Charter Member card in my wallet (and am reasonably certain that none of you are even Sustaining Members). I even filled out a form that is supposed to make me an Honorary Life Member, of some sort. I guess I picked a great time since you fuckers have Whigged it.
I just want to go on the record to every Trumptard that says I'm pro-Hillary that I am pro-suicide. Please kill yourselves and Make America Great Again. You know who you are, PIMP and Tsuke...

This should be patently obvious, given that I literally have my 2016 GOP Charter Member card in my wallet (and am reasonably certain that none of you are even Sustaining Members). I even filled out a form that is supposed to make me an Honorary Life Member, of some sort. I guess I picked a great time since you fuckers have Whigged it.

You can be any political affiliation you want and still help hillary get elected :) You know you want to. Her views on war and free trade are more traditionally GOP than Trump's is. She should be a perfect fit for establishment types. :)

Besides repubs havent figured out that dems have gerrymandered the national by welcoming wave after wave of illegals and refugees and giving them paths to citizenship or letting them vote thru fraud. Without a major shakeup of the voting demographics (like bringing the blue collar workers to our side) a republican wasnt going to win the white house ever again.
You can be any political affiliation you want and still help hillary get elected :) You know you want to. Her views on war and free trade are more traditionally GOP than Trump's is. She should be a perfect fit for establishment types. :)

Besides repubs havent figured out that dems have gerrymandered the national by welcoming wave after wave of illegals and refugees and giving them paths to citizenship or letting them vote thru fraud. Without a major shakeup of the voting demographics (like bringing the blue collar workers to our side) a republican wasnt going to win the white house ever again.

A Brief History of Retards in America (Since 1992):

1992: A bunch of retarded proles decided that Bush Sr wasn't conservative enough, so they either didn't vote, or voted for lunatic "George Bush is going to ruin my daughter's wedding" Ross Perot. A southern contingent of rubes decided to vote for BJ Clinton, because he's one of them. These same imbeciles voted for Carter in 1976 for the same idiotic reason. #SouthernPride

1994: Republican Revolution. YAY!!

1995: "They can take our lives, but they can never take - OUR FREEDOM!!" Braveheart released in theatres

1996: Bob Dole not conservative enough. Many more stay home than in 1992, while fewer vote for Perot and his lovely Reform Party this time.

2000: So McCain isn't conservative enough, so, to avoid not showing up in November, compassionate conservative W Bush is nominated, thanks to the worst state in the Union and its aversion to black babies. With a true conservative on the ticket, Online Al is defeated in the Electoral College, amid lots of excitement and Lulz.

2001-2003: The "true conservative" proceeds to fuck shit up.

2004: Thanks to an economic recovery and lots of terrorism (and Kerry being nearly as boring as Online Al), W Bush is re-elected easily.

2005-2007: W Bush back to work, fucking shit up. But at least he's not his father, Bob Dole, or John McCain, those phony conservatives!

2008: In an unwinnable year, phony McCain gets the nomination we probably definitely should have given him in 2000. Dems ensure victory by giving us an unqualified hack who just happens to meet stronger DNC quotas than Hillary (sorry ladies!!).

2009-2015: Obama challenges W Bush for a race to the bottom in terms of terrible foreign policy and big spending. His ability to speak English has largely prevented most Americans at this point from judging him more harshly. In 2010, Republicans take back the House and in 2014 they also capture the Senate, largely due to reaction to Obama's quaint little policies like ACA.

2012: Republicans nominate phony conservative (and friggin' heretic Mormon!) Romney, who can now be nominee after losing to phony conservative McCain in 2008. He is blamed for creating federalism/Constitutional ObamaCare in Massachusetts (and the Big Dig!). As in 1992, 1996, and 2008, many proles stay home. I mean, they GAVE US CONGRESS TWO YEARS AGO AND IT WON'T SHUT OBAMA DOWN!!

2016: In a nice twist on things, the same people who have been bitching about the GOP nominating phony conservatives since 1992 (or 1988?) decide to rally behind Donald J. Trump, because he's NOT CONSERVATIVE AT ALL!! This is basically nominate the "compassionate conservative" 2.0, except this time it will work and take DC and the mega EsTaBliShMeNt by storm! Trump launches a populist revolution and repudiates the history of the GOP since 1964 (except Reagan). He hilariously repudiates W Bush (WHO WAS MORE CONSERVATIVE THAN MCCAIN!!). #NeverTrump folk such as myself are denounced when we complain that Trump isn't conservative enough. WHAT THE FUCK THREEDEE?!!? DO YOU EXPECT ALL OF YOUR CANDIDATES TO BE PERFECT? IDEOLOGICAL PURITY TESTS WILL GIVE HILLARY THE WHITE HOUSE! DO YOU WANT CROOKED HILLARY TO BE YOUR PRESIDENT?!!? (Thanks, guys, for being so diplomatic all these years, and not helping to get BJ Clinton, W Bush, and Obama elected president - MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!)

You know you want to :)

Dont worry after you help Crooked Hillary become your next president and she gives you 4 more years of illegals to pad the democrat numbers you can endorse the most conservative candidate Cruz for 2020. Im sure latino voters will flock to him because of his last name :)

Also the takeaway you should be getting is the "conservatism" that the party elites want may not be the same as the "conservatism" that the base wants. Remember sometimes not everyone has the strict definition of these terms so they could interpret it as something that helps them.
Let's see...
Has HRC ever solved a problem ? Yes, she had some abortions.
Has Sanders ever solved a problem ? No, ergo the ideological tack.
Has DJT ever solved a problem ? All the time.

Isn't it time to try accomplished ?
Hrc is a globalist ideologue. She puts ideas over people, and is ultimately controlled by the population reduction elites.